2 MAY 1908, Page 22
NEw EDITIONS.—The Wessex of Romance. By Wilkinson Sherren. (Francis Griffiths.
6s. net.)—Mr. Sherren first brought out this book six years ago. It now comes out revised and enlarged. Substantially it is a monograph on Mr. Thomas Hardy, with various digressions, local and personal, and, we need hardly say, is an eminently readable book.-In the "Sisley Books" (Sisley', is. per vol.) we have Life and Letters of Lamb, by T. N. Talfourd, and the Morals of Rousseau. From the biblio- graphical point of view, Talfourd's book on Lamb is more or less superseded; but its literary charm is sufficient to keep its place in any collection of books about Ella.