The Bibliography of Charles and Mary Lamb. Compiled and Annotated
by J. C. Thomson. (J. E. Tatin, Hull. 5s. net.)— Mr. Thomson, helped by the labours of others, notably Alfred Ainger and Mr. E. V. Lucas—an assistance which he amply acknowledges—has done a most valuable piece of work. We all know, or may easily know, the dates of the great books of Charles and Mary Lamb, the "Tales from Shakespeare," "Essays of Ella." What we often miss is the highly interesting series of contribu- tions to periodical literature,—such as Lamb's article in the Quarterly on Wor dsworth's "Excursion," an article so cruelly mangled by Gifford. Such miscellanies, with early editions, &c., make up a total of information which is well worth studying.