2 MAY 1925, Page 2

His references to the language with which Mr. McKenna, "

that eminent Free Trade financier and Liberal Chan- cellor of the Exchequer," had justified his duties were extremely dexterous and amusing. The articles which Mr. McKenna chose for taxation were chosen primarily because they were luxuries. Mr. McKenna had also justified his duties on the grounds that it was necessary to improve fallen exchanges and that he would obtain " a certain amount of revenue." Surely every one of these reasons existed to-day ! Goods that were luxuries in 1916 were luxuries now. If there was need to help the Exchange with America in 1916 the need was no less urgent now. Mr. Churchill maliciously said that these duties would " give pleasure " in almost every quarter of the House. " To some they are a relish, to others a target, and to me a revenue." He estimated that the new Death Duties and other duties would bring in £10,230,000 this year and £20,000,000 in a full year.