2 MAY 1931, Page 11

AN ExTaa Momm.

Again, it appears that the twentieth century world is chafing under the yoke of the old calendar A special con- ference of• experts, under the auspices of the League of

Nations, is likely, we understand, to decide in the near future that the year is to be redivided into thirteen months of twenty-eight days each, so that the days of the week will fall always on , the same date in each month. We believe that this idea was first put into practice by American chain-store and mail-order concerns, whose monthly financial returns are greatly affected by the number of Saturdays in each month. It will have the warm support of all who like to feel that their lives are in harmony with transatlantic methods of account- ancy, if with nothing else. But it will be no easy matter to find a generally acceptable name for the new -month. "Sol," which is said to be receiving favourable consideration, would be a choice too hideously rash for this country—incompatible at once with our caution and our climate. We would suggest some such name—simple, beautiful, and at the same time historically derivative—as "Woolworth."