rzeleeted by time FA.rilps Ocirterly Th.ricw, from the De4h,lter Musen Almanich, for p:il. a new p9oticfellmroduction of his Bavarian Majesmv:m The inane or the tram,- alga is not revonled : hat we thiuk v■ a eau discern the iluim Boman baud uf the Mar- tinis or LONDONDERRY so be it.] Freer now, and happier far than ever, Renovated youth the nations show ; After many a year's conflicting fever Ruin's sweeping stream has ceaSed to flow.
But, alas ! Pandora's lid up-starting, Forth the secret, brewing evil flies; Each will have—that pledge to all imparting His own loy'd fancy ; none that snit denies.
Vertigo has now the nations taken, Forward in the gulf impelled along; O'er the rocks of passion rudely shaken Vain the ship unscathed can voyage long. •
Even the strongest—Albion's pillars—tremble; What on earth that's stable now is left? Reason overwhelmed would vain dissemble : Of all stay the universe is reft.
Tongue-confusion everywhere-arises, As of out at building Babel's tower ; Holiest ties the multitude despises, Driven impetuous by the tempest's power.
From all hearts, alas! lath God departed,
And each man erects himself his God; - On the aspects of the pious-hearted Paleness sits; the mocker is abroad !
Like old Saturn on his children feeding,. So (loth Revolution with the brood
From her teeming fruitfulness proceeding; Thrones—both old and new—alike her toad..
Now with blindness are mankind o'ertaken, History the same lesson still unveils; Never upon them will day awaken, Even their own experience on them fails.
Kind and gentle means are now a fable, • Reason's gentle arbiter .and guide ;
Only stern resolve for 11,:lpis She aline ourii:sCue-can provide.