Friday will be kept as a holyday at the Stock Exchange • our preliminary report of the week's proceedings must consequently close this afternoon. The fluctuation of the English Funds has not exceeded k per cent; the market varying as the rumours of the hour were of a peaceful or a warlike com- plexion. The extreme quotations of Consols have been 961 and 97k ; and the ultimate result of the week's business has been to establish the closing price for Account at 96i 97 ; the same as on Saturday last. There appears to be a disposition among the large capitalists to sell Stock, and it has been brought to market in quantities too large for the absorbent powers of the Sinking-fund and the small investors. There is consequently a considerable amount pressing upon the market ; and money is rather more in demand than it has been, if such a term can be applied when it is easily obtainable upon the security of English Stock at an interest of from 2 to 21 per cent.
The Foreign Market has been in a state of almost positive tranquillity; but prices are generally lower. Peruvian Stock is an exception to the ge- • neral rule, and is today about 2 per cent above the lowest quotations.. Mexican Stock is from k to 1 per cent lower. The Northern European and Dutch Stocks are also less in demand, at lower rates ; as is usually the case when the English Funds decline. Scarcely any transactions of importance have occurred in this department.
Railway Shares are all lower. The. fluctuations of this class of security depend materially upon those of the English Funds ; and although on some days an appearance of firmness has been given to the various markets, and. a tendency to improvement been apparent, the result of the week's business has been to establish the closing quotations of this afternoon from 1/. to V. below those of Saturday for all the more important Shares, and at a propor- tional depression for the lesser variety. Some considerable transactions have. occurred in the Shares of the Northern of France Railway ; but, after an insignificant fluctuation, the closing prices of this afternoo.: are the same as those of Saturday.
Many remarks have appeared in some of the daily papers on the establish- ment of a Mining Exchange, and very recently a public meeting waa con- vened to consider of the best means of effecting that object. The insuper- able obstacle was well stated by Mr. Field, whose experience and knowledge of mining affairs are of the first order. The impediment lies in the difficulty of obtaining correct information as to the state of particular mines. Mr.' Field proposes to remedy the evil by appointing an agent : but unless such agent be well paid, it will be in vain to expect faithful reports from him; and we do not think that the capitalists interested in mining affairs are suffe-. ciently numerous for the engagement of an efficient agent at a liberal salary.
There is no lack of either capital or enterprise among the members of the Stock Exchange ; and if the traffic in mining shares be not largely tarried on in that establishment, it is because the fluctuating value of this kind of property prevents anything like what is technically termed jobbing in it. Those gentlemen, therefore, who formed the meeting the other day, may rely upon it, that though they may erect or hire a building and wnte over the. door "Mining Exchange," they will find the same difficulty in buying and, selling mining shares that they now experience, though both processes map. to some extent be simplified by the readier access that buyers and sellers will thus obtain to each other.
SATURDAY o'Crocx. _
The English Funds opened at an advance of T1 per cent upon the closing: prices of Thursday, the first price of Consols both for Money and Accon being 971 ; at which quotation the market is firm, with but little dein The only change in the Foreign Market is in Mexican and Peruvian Bonds, both of which are higher. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Share.. Market, where the quotations of Thursday are supported, with an evident tendency to improvement.
The English Funds close firmly at the morning's quotations, the last price, of Consols being 97k1. Bank Stock is higher, being quoted at 213. The business of the morning has however, been unimportant. The same remark will apply to the Foreign 1ljarket, where the only general business occurring has been in Mexican Stock. The following are the principal bargains record. ed—Brazilian, 901; Buenos Ayres, 581; Grenada, 181; Mexican, 321 31/ 32 321; Peruvian Deferred, 361; Old Portuguese (1824), 88 ; Portuguese Four per Cents (1842), 341 4 ; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 964 97 ; Spanish Active, 18 I 4; Ditto Passive, 31; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 881 ,94 ; Dutch Iwo-and-a-half per Cents, 571; Ditto Four per Cents,.. 8g here is-no material change in the Railway Shares; in which the following are the principal transactions—Caledonian 81 1; Chester and Holyhead, si ; East Lancashire, 9 ; Great Northern, lit 14 ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 62; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 4711; Ditto Fift s, 21 k ; London and Blackwell, 7± 1 ; London, Brighton and South Coast, S4; London and Greenwich, 111; London and North-western, 1171 1; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 1911 ; Lon- don and South-western, 1111-; Midland, 411 1 ; North Staffordshire, . 71; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 111 12; York, Newcastle, and • Berwick, 16f 17 ; Ditto Extension 111; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Pre- ference, 5 ; York and North Midland, 22f 3 21 31 ; Ditto Preference, 81 8; Boulogne and Amiens, 7/ 8; Northern of France, 141 1; Orleans and Bois- deans, 21..
3 per Cent Console 75 7
Ditto for Account :'?; 4 Danish per Cents 57 5 3 per Cent Reduced 96 5 Ditto 4 per Cents 884 1 35 per Cents 98 5 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .. 34 4 Long Annuities 7i 13-16 Permian 6 per Cents 80 1 Bank Stock . 212 213 ' Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 335 45 • Exchequer Bills .... 65 68 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 8 India. Stock — Russian 5 per Cents 109 111' Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 91 , Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. ' 18 5 Belgian 45 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1848 385, 05 '
Chilisu 6 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela ......... ....._....... 32 3 ,
Danish b per Cents 99 101