On the 27th August, at Bareilly, East Indies, the Wife
of Ilr my Pidcock, Esq., Cinlflerviee, and Commissioner of the Bareilly Division, of a son. On the 30th September, at Government House, Newfoundland, the Lady of his Excellency Sir Gaspard le Merchant, of a daughter. On the Excellency October, at Auchinc.ruive, Lady Louisa Oswald, prematurely, of a son, stillborn.
On the 22d, at Pecforton, Cheshire, the Lady of J. Tollemache, Esq., M.P.,'of a son.
On the 23d, at Heron Court, near Christahurch, Hants-, the Hon. Mrs. -Harris, of a daughter. On the 24th, at St. Stephen's Rectory, tpawich, the Wife of the -Rev. Charlee.Hol- , land, of a son.
On the 24th, at Accrington House, Lancashire, the Wife of Jonathan Peel, Esq., - of a son.
On the 1st November, at 5, Clifford Street, Bond Street, the 'Wife of William Bow- , man, Esq., of a son. On the 27thost Bath, the Wife Of Captain Groves, late Rifle -Brigade,' Governor of Millbank Prison, of aeon.
On the 28th, at Spa; the Lady Charles Beauclerk, of a son. On the 29th, in HillStieet, the -Hon. Lady Nugent, of a daughter.
On the 29th, in Eastbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Norman Maclean, C.R., of a soil.
On- the' 30th, in Chester Street, the Wife of M. Wyvill jun., Esq., ALP., of a daughter.
On the 31st, at St. James's Rectory, Piccadilly; the :Wife of the Rev. John Jack- son, 'of a daughter.
On the-15th October;at the parish-church of Camus-juxta-Mourne, the Reir..Wil- limn Alexander, Chaplain to the Lerd-Lieutenant of Ireland, and. Rector Of Termo- namung. an, to Cecil Frances, second. daughter of John Gumphreys, Esq., of town House, Tyrone. On the. 24th, at St..Mary's, Swansea, Griffith Llewellyn, Esq., of .Baglan Glamorganshire, to Madeline Georgina, eldest daughter of Pascoe St. Leger Caren- fell, Esq., Of ,paesteg House, near Swansea. • On the'29th, at St. Luke's, Chelsea, the Rev. Duncan Campbell, Rector of Pent- ridge, Dorset, to Charlotte Savage, only child of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Adam 'Gordon Campbell, Knight Of Windsor, formerly commanding her Majesty'alfix- teenth• Regiment, and Relict of W. P. Foley, Esq., of the Sixteenth Regiment. On the 29th, at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, the Earl of Courtown, to. Dora, youngest daughter of the late Chief Justice Pennefather. On the 29th, at Winterton, Norfolk, William Burnley Hume, second son of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., toEliza G. Nelson, daughter of the Rev. John Nelson, Rector of Winterton.
On the 30th, at- St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, William, eldest son 'Of William Green.Gowing, Esq., of Alfred Place West, Brompton,.and Cation, Norfolk, to Jane Laura, only child of Sir Jasper Atkinson,' of Portman Square, and North-Frith, Kent.
On the' 30th, at St.. Lawrence's, Reading, by the' enerahle the Archdeacon of Jamaica, Thomas Ellis, Esq., of the same island, to Emma, second daughter of Francis Hawkes, Esq., of Reading. Lately, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Richard Stephens. late of Merton' Col- lege, Oxford, eldest son of the Rev. Richard Stephens, Vicar of Belgrare, Leicester- shire, to Henrietta Maria, only daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart., Grand Cross of the Bath, and Governor of.Madras.
On the 10th October, at the Government House, Charlotte Town, his Excellency Sir. Donald Campbell;-Bart., of Dunstaffnage, Lieutenant-Governor of .Prints Ed- ward Island ; in his-50th-year. On the 16th, fell at Kalervi, during a charge at the head of his brigade, Brigadier- General Eardley Wilmot, -K.S.V., of the Austrian Service, an old and distinguished Peninsular officer, late Major in her Majesty's service. On the 21st, at Rose Bank, Haswell, Middlesex, Thomas Hume, Esq., M.D., Oxon; in his 81st year. Dr. Hume was physician to the Duke of Wellington when with the army in Portugal, also physician for many years to his late-Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. On the 24th, at Dunbar, Christopher Middlemass, Esq., of Underedge; in his 90th year. On the .25th, at the Rectory, Ashton-upon-Trent, Derby, the .11ev....Nathaniel Palmer Johnson, M.A., fifty-three years Rector of that .parish.; in his 86th year. On the 25th, at Enfield, Middlesex, Daunett Asbury, Esq., M.R.C.S; and L.S.A., after three days' illness, front the poisonous effects of a post-mortem examination.; in his 23d year.
On the 25th, at the Vicarage-House, the Rev. Francis Thomas Corrance, Vicar of Great Glenn,--and Rector of Great Stretton, :Leicestershire; in his 70th year.
On. the 25th, us Chester Street, Belgrave Square, John Greathead Harris, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Insolvent Debtors' Court ; in his 77th year. On the 26th, at Botluunsall, Notts; the Mee: George Rawlinson, Incumbent of 'Botha:risen, and Domestic Chaplain to the Duke of Newcastle.
On the 26th, at Cheltenham, the Hon. Mrs.:Forsyth, only surviving sister of the ,--late Admiral Lord Colville.; Ur her 84th year. • On the 27th, at Blicklingliall. Norfolk the Dowager Lady Suffield. On the GO, inrCurson Street, May Fair, the. Right Rev. John .Lord. Bishop of Neva Scotia ; in his 73d year.