2 NOVEMBER 1867, Page 3

The King of the Hellenes, Prince George of Denmark, brother

-of our Princess of Wales, was married on the 27th ult. to a Russian .Grand Duchess, a match which will be popular among the Greeks, who now expect to obtain both English and Russian support. We note that a joint despatch from France, Russia, and Prussia has .already demanded an international inquiry into the condition of Candia, and that the Greeks are once more talking of their right to Epirus and Thessaly. " Digamma " (Mr. Finlay) affirms in the -Times that Earl Russell in 1862, when refusing the crown for Prince Alfred, said he should still witness the cession of those two pro- vinces with pleasure. With Epirus and Thessaly, the Ionian Islands and Candia, in addition to her present possessions, Greece might -become a powerful little State, and play a leading part in farther -attacks upon the Mussulman power.