We have to apologize for a paragraph in our last
week's issue which contained two important errors. Instead of saying "the Royal Bank of Liverpool" had stopped, we said "the Bank of Liver- pool,"—the Bank of Liverpool, it appears, being a most respectable and prosperous institution. A mistake of that kind, accidental as it was, might in the case of an institution less trusted have had serious consequences, and the Bank is entirely entitled to the apology which, to prevent even a week's circulation of the error, we at once inserted in the Times and Daily News. It is, we hope, 'needless to say that the mistake arose from the accidental omission of a word, and that we had not the faintest idea of injuring a con- -cern against which we have never heard a word. It is not, how- ever, needless to express our deep regret for an error which might have injured perfectly innocent persons.