It is asserted that the South Bulgarians are determined not
to agree to the division of Bulgaria, and are forming Committees in Philippopolis, Adrianople, Tirnova, and places in Macedonia, in order to arrange resistance. The Committees are organising armed bands, varying from 600 to 2,000 men, which are swelled by deser- tions from the militia, and take possession of all strong places. The Turks affirm that these bands are instigated by Russia, and the Russians retort that they are entirely self-acting, the truth apparently being that no instigation is necessary, but that the Russians do not discourage or interrupt the movement. Strong petitions are being drawn up in Philip- popolis for union with Northern Bulgaria, and the Eastern Roumelian Commission at its first meeting was received with hostile clamours. It is not doubted that the Bulgarians wish for union with their brethren of the North, if only because Turkish garrisons in the Balkans and between Roumelia and the /Egean, will render prosperity impossible ; or that a considerable effort will be made in the spring to secure this object, an effort in which the militia of Northern Bulgaria may be an important factor.