The election for Peterborough resulted in a decided. triumph for
the Liberals. The Hon. J. W. Fitzwilliam was returned by a majority of 689 over his Conservative opponent, Mr. Lawrence (1,360 votes against 671) ; and there were besides, 653 Liberal votes given to the Permissive Bill Liberal, Mr. Raper. Thus the total Liberal poll was 2,013, against only 671 Conservative votes. At the last election, the total Liberal poll was under 2,091 (divided, however, between four candidates) ; while the Conservatives polled 666, or just five less than on the present occa- sion. But then on the last occasion there were two vacancies, and two Liberals were elected ; while some of those who voted for one of the Liberals no doubt split their votes with the Conservative, instead of also voting for the other Liberal. It is therefore almost impossible to compare adequately one election with the other, only it is certain that Mr. Fitzwilliam polled many more votes on this occasion than either Mr. Hankey or Mr. Whalley, in 1874.