A Vote on Mr. Roosevelt The American Congressional elections, which
take place. on Tuesday, will give the voters . of the United States ,the opportunity . of registering their verdict. on the New Deal. There in no serious , question about what that verdict wiff.be. Mr. Roosevelt., has partially succeeded and partially failed, but . no. , one imagines that any other President :would. have sweeded better Or failed , as little. In the - Senate he . will probably strengthen his position. ,..In the House the swing of the pendulum will probably lose him a few seats which he can well afford to spare. The New -Deal programme in its various aspects is too complicated for the average elector to grasp, and he will be content to. cast his vote for or against Franklin Roosevelt. The decisive -factor is that there is no semblance of an alternative to Franklin Roosevelt on the political horizon. Yet the Acting Administrator of Public Works on Tuesday put the number of unemployed in the United States at 16,500,000.