M. Doumergue's Dilemma The discussions regarding the revision of the
constitu- tion in France are worth watching because they may at any moment develop into something serious. The Radical-Socialist Conference at Nantes abandoned some of its opposition- to M. Doumergue's proposals, • and authorized M. Hcrriot, as representing the Radical- Socialists in the Government, to get from the Government the best terms he -could. But M. Doumergue and M. Herriot are still poles apart on the vital question :of whether-the Senate shall be deprived of its-power to grant or refuse a dissolution.- M. -Herriot is a-Senate man through and through, and it is • hard. to see him giving way on such a point as this.- On the other hand; M. Doumerguc shows every sign of: ticking to his -guns. • If he forces his proposal to a vote in the Chamber and fails to carry it there must either be • a' dissolution— with the Senate's consent—or deadlock and chaos,- for no one will face the task of constructing a new National Government. Either prospect; on the eve of the Saar plebiscite, would be profoundly alarming.' Arid. there are various elements in. France that' Would' welcome-the opportunity of fishing in troubled waters. - - * - *