Local museums often yield strange , treasure. Chancing to be in
that ancient and attractive town, Malmesbury, a day or two ago, I found a printed document calculated to appeal to all those—and they ate very many—whom the vagaries of minor local bodies move to irritation and annoyance. I quote it in extenso, though it is not all of even quality:.
IMPORTANT NOTICE Wanted, immediately, ELEVEN IDIOTS, willing to act as Dummies on the Malmesbury Urban Sanitary Board. Apply at the Town Bridge on Thursday, the 25th instant, between the hours of 11 and 12 p.m.
Dated, The Weather Cock: Jan. 11th, 1884.
P.S,.—Mutes will be considered the most eligible. No testi- monials except from a Lunatic Asylum will be entertained.
How different from our enlightened Urban and Rural District Councils. Or ?
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