Sig,-1 believe you will receive in good spirit a protest from a keen and regular reader.
Your reference on October 26 under the head 'Political Killing' to 'the Llandudno mob' is a little uncivil. It reads—however it may have been meant—as a petulant slip of the pen.
The Llandudno conference as a whole showed itself in favour of retaining capital
punishment, within limits at least. Hence the word 'mob' must be read as applying to the conference in general, and not only to the noisier delegates. It is unusual for a good paper, not normally abuOvely hostile to Tories, to describe their delegates thus. It may be argued, of course, that `to bow to the mob' is a potted phrase, not to be taken too seriously. But the Spectator will hardly wish to plead guilty of an unhappy choice of phrase.
PATRICK CAMPBELL Little Hailers, Stopham, near Pulborough, Sussex [The scene at Llandudno during the hang- ing debate was also unpleasant.—Editor, Spectator.]