SIR,-1 read with interest the article by Mr. John Betjeman in the Spectator of October 5. SIR,-1 read with interest the article by Mr. John Betjeman in the Spectator of October 5.
To suggest that some of the recent branches built by -Woolworth's are self-effacing, how- ever, to my mind appears to be ridiculous— they arc splendid buildings; they are certainly outstanding, and worthy of the dignity of that great firm.
In view of Mr. Betjeman's remarks about my firm, however, I am at a loss to understand what his rooted objection to our particular form of shop-front can be. Ordinary laymen or women shoppers, when told that some archi- tects dislike our shop-fronts, express surprise, and almost invariably say that they cannot understand it because they think our shops arc particularly attractive.
If Mr. Betjeman refers particularly to the very large fascias which were erected at a number of our branches during the early 1930s then his comments may be understand- able, but what objection can there be to our rather unique cottage-roof front? Architects, of course, will state that the roofs themselves are non-functional, but does that necessarily mean that they are ugly or unattractive? It seems to me that an architect's training tells him that there should never be anything non' functional in a building, and having bee" taught that he in his turn now spreads the same doctrine. Who, however, is to decide what is good and what is bad? Are the general pub', lie to be ignored because a few professional gentlemen maintain they are right?
Mr. Betjeman mentions Guildford. Had We been allowed to put in the shop-front we really wanted here it would have been' very much more attractive than the one which was put in after so-called modification demanded by the local authorities. Considering the recent
most unjust and disproportionate increase n the rates which shopkeepers are now being asked to bear, it is in my opinion time that some people realised that he who pays the piper should be able to call the tune!—Your' faithfully, ALAN FARM 04 Managing Director
Dorothy Perkins Ltd., Alston` House, 17 Newman Street, London, WI