Euro strutters
From Mr Lawrie Brownlee Sir: I enjoyed David Marsh's unusually honest article (The currency with a hole in it', 26 October) stating that we should join the euro mainly for political rather than economic reasons. However, political influence waxes and wanes with economic performance, and as usual the proponents of the euro are prepared to sacrifice for ever the democratic rights of the ordinary voter for fleeting political influence. For example: approximately 14 per cent voting rights in the European Parliament as opposed to 100 per cent in the Westminster Parliament; better control over our economy by staying out of the euro; the right to trial by juy instead of corpus jwis.
The likes of Tony Blair and Michael Heseltine are prepared to give up all this in order that they can strut their stuff for a moment in history. Is it any wonder that normal people are not bothering to vote?
Lawrie Brownlee
Sidmouth. Devon