2 OCTOBER 1841, Page 16


ALTHOUGH Lord MELBOURNE, on changing his seat from one side of the House of Lords to the other, avoided the place usually oc- cupied by the leader of the Opposition, the public did not take the hint. The Corn-law Repealers of Glasgow, fancying that his Lord- ship was in Opposition, intrusted to him the charge of the memo- rial they addressed to the Queen requesting her Majesty not to prorogue Parliament before it had taken the working of the Corn- laws into consideration. Hereupon his Lordship became alarmed lest the onerous duties of an Opposition Member should devolve upon him, and he embraced the first opportunity to disclaim the character. On Thursday evening, Lord BROUGHAM having desig- nated Lord MELBOURNE as "the noble Lord at the head of this party in Opposition," the ex-Premier rose to disown the imputa- tion—to protest against assuming that he was in Opposition, as a breach of order. It is bare justice to this calumniated nobleman, to correct the erroneous impression that seems to have gone abroad respecting him. It ought to be made generally known, that Lord MELBOURNE is not in opposition to the Administration of Sir ROBERT PEEL.