THE Queen and Prince Albert still lead a quiet life at Windsor. The bad weather has sometimes interfered with the out-door exercise; which the Royal pair, however, have not neglected during the week. Among the visiters at the Castle have been, Archdeacon Wilberforce, the Count de St. Aulaire the French Ambassador, M. de Montezuma the Brazilian Minister, M. de Lisboa, the Earl of Lincoln, the Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Robert and Lady Peel, Lord and Lady Ashley. M. de Montezuma had an audience of the Queen on Wednesday, to take leave.
The Dutchess of Kent arrived yesterday, at Woolwich from Bel- gium; and proceeded to Windsor Castle. On Monday, the Queen Dowager, the Dutchess of Gloucester, and Prince Ernest of Hesse Philippsthal, returned to Sudbury House, in Derbyshire, from Belvoir Castle, where the Royal party had been stay- ing on a visit to the Duke and Dutchess of Rutland. The entertain- ments during their sojourn were very splendid. On Friday a grand dinner was given. On Saturday morning there was a concert, at which Madame Caradori sang, a hunt, and another dinner-party. The Queen Dowager rode in the hunt. The Duke of Sussex and the Dutchess of Inverness left Kensington Palace on Monday, on a tour of visits in the North. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge entertained Viscount and Viscountess Villiers, Lord Fitzgerald, Sir Robert and Lady Peel, and a select party, at dinner on Sunday evening, at Kew.
Directions have been received at Buckingham Palace for the recep- tion of her Majesty and the Court on Saturday the 9th October; where the Queen will remain till after her approaching accouchement.—Globe.