As Mr. Moncrieff, till now Lord Advocate, has been made
Lord Justice Clerk, in place of the late Mr. Patton, the seat which he now holds, for the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen, will be vacated. An elector writing to the Star of yesterday proposes to return Mr. John Stuart Mill to the House of Commons in his place. Useful as Mr. Mill has been in Parliament, we are not sure that in general he is not more useful out of it. Undoubtedly when in the House he wasted a great deal of time in conscientious drudgery which might have been turned to more permanent advantage, had he been studying or writing. Still, in a session when the Irish land question is to be the principal theme, his presence in the House would be of more than usual importance. And he would have a real claim on the respect of a learned body like that of Glasgow and Aberdeen, who at least know what he is, which the electors of Westminster did not. We have not heard what chance of success his candidature would have ; it ought to be considerable.