The Sinn Feb insurgents have been active during the past
few days. On Wednesday week six policemen in a motor-lorry were ambushed near Miltown Malbay. Four were shot dead and one mortally wounded. On Thursday night two Sinn Feiners robbed the safe in the General Post Office in Dublin. On Friday week General Strickland, commanding the Cork division, was fired upon by a gang while he was driving through the city ; happily the assassins missed him. On Saturday night some Sinn Feiners, fearing lest peace should he restored in Belfast, set upon a patrol, killing one policeman and wounding two others. The Protestants, thus provoked, quickly retaliated, and in the course of the.faction-fighting three men were killed and many wounded. Protestant workmen were attacked on Monday while returning home, and the riots which followed had to be suppressed by the troops with the bayonet. In another Sion Fein riot on Tuesday night, the troops had to fire and two civilians were killed. On Saturday night, in Broadford, County Clare, Sinn Feiners murdered a policeman and injured another. Last week also Captain Lendrum, the resident magistrate in County Clare, was kidnapped by the rebels.