2 OCTOBER 1920, Page 3

M. Millerand was elected President of the French Republic at

Versailles on Thursday week, in succession to M. Deschanel. He received 695 votes out of 892. In thanking the National Assembly, the new President reasserted his intention to revive the dormant powers of his office. He gave it to be understood that he would take an active part in guiding French foreign policy, in accordance with the constitutional provision that the President negotiates and ratifies all treaties. He declared that the constitution, now half a century old, required revision. The President has the right to summon the Senate and the Chamber to discuss constitutional amendments. M. Millerand evidently means to use this power when peace- has been fully restored and devastated France has received the reparation due to her. But his main object for the present is to secure the fulfilment of the Treaty of Versailles. M. Millerand on Friday week appointed M. Georges Leygues Premier and Foreign Minister of the Cabinet which M. Millerand himself formed in January last. Just as M. Millerand continued M. Clemenceau's policy, so M. Leygues will continue the policy of M. Millerand. The new Premier is personally popular, and has had much official experience, though he is not so vigorous a statesman as, say, M. Briand. He pre- sented himself before the Chamber on Saturday and received its approval by 515 votes to 71. M. Leygues declared in his statement that " France will make of the League of Nations a powerful living organism to close the eras of great wars."