Con. or Lab.? • Morgan Phillips, L. F. Behrens, Rashid
Karapiet, W.7'. Rodgers, H. A. J. Martin, Brian Osborne, S. H. Hotchkiss, Paul L. Rose, Daphne Slee
Anti-Semitism Robert P. Scott 'Spanish Mercy'Arland Ussher •
The Establishment Nicolas Waller, Bryan Magee Canada and Peking K. H. W. Hi/born Protecting the Customer P. L. Garbutt, H. J. Hough Conservative. Funds Judith St. John Thornton CON. OR LAB.?
Sia,—Taper really must do a little homework before he writes his rugged criticisms of the Labour Party organisation. He demands that the Press Department should be sacked because of its 'blunder' in issuing the Manifesto on a Friday, and proceeds to cover the Conservative organisation with extravagant praise for their handling of press matters. - Perhaps the fact that the Conservative Party Mani- festo was also published on a Friday (September II) may sober his passions and allow him to turn to the more urgent matter of checking his copy. Perhaps also he might study the press for the week September Secretary, The Labour Party Transport 11 fiuse, Smith Square, SW!