Wrong line
Sir: Why are writers like Richard West so often silly about railways (in the ridiculous- ly named article, 'Loot from the Lebanon', 11 September)? He could not get a ticket from Euston to Warwick simply because Warwick is served from Paddington — it is on the Great Western. To ask for such a ticket is like trying to get one from Victoria to Southampton or from Liverpool Street to York.
And why not cheap fares after 10 am? Before then they might attract businessmen whose firms could well afford to pay full fare; after that time ordinary people like he and I are given the chance to travel within our means when the trains are less full. It is Mr West who is being silly. Why did he not write more about Warwick in his article? It is an interesting place, but he said precious little about it.
David Lloyd,
17 Fore Street, Harlow, Essex