Interesting Times
Pan Paperbacks supplied the reading matter: Boldness Be My Friend, The Wooden Horse, Enemy Coast Ahead by Wing-Commander Guy Gibson V.C. D.S.O. D.F.C. and bar, The Colditz Story, I read them all of course.
I knew a Spitfire from a Hurricane, A Wellington's extraordinary design, The layout of a pocket battleship, That Rommel was a decent sort of chap And the Gestapo planned to do him in.
At the pictures, Michael Redgrave, Kenneth More, Pipe-smoking Richard Todd and Leo Genn Were British Officers and Gentlemen And demonstrated how we won the War With understatement and esprit-de-corps.
Though I brilliantined my haircut, brushed my teeth, Swallowed my Virol, drank my Ovaltine, Time squandered my appointment with the Hun.
So must the Britons, with the Romans gone, Have huddled in their smoky huts beneath Mysterious monuments of striding stone.
John Whitworth