The Left are furious at the declaration-that this Assembly is
constituent, and will henceforward direct all their efforts towards its dissolution. They hope to accomplish this end peacefully by inducing the electors to compel their representatives to resign, until the Assembly, filled with Republicans, votes itself away. Failing this, the Left will resign en masse, declaring, as General Faidherbe has already done, that the Chamber has overstepped the authority received from the nation, and thus depriving the ma- jority of all moral support. Failing this, again, there is, we appre- hend, little doubt that, averse as they are to employ revolutionary means, they will in some mode or other bring direct force to bear upon a body which, as they contend, has ceased to represent the national will. M. Gambetta on Wednesday warned the majority of the inevitable consequences of their acts, and especially of in- surrection in the South, but they only roared, shrieked, and howled, until worn out with the senseless noise, be sat down, declaring, it is said, to a neighbour that the Chamber was full of wild beasts, whom he was ashamed to address, and who must be sent home.