We hear with g reat re g ret that the bodies of some
of the English killed in the skirmish of Kassasin were found to have been mutilated, and trust that the English officers will take some pains to restrain their troops from retaliating by any needless bloodthirstiness,—by any reluctance to give quarter, by way of revenge. The story published in the Pall Mall, from the Central News, that some Egyptian officers who gave the m- selves up to the English had been handed over to the Khedive, and by his orders put through the horrible torture of keel- hauling, is, we think, almost certainly untrue. It is wholly unlike the English to give up to the native authorities prisoners —and prisoners of a class whom we ought in every way to encourage—without conditioning for their good treatment, and we do not think it in the least likely that the Khedive himself would have either ordered or allowed so very impolitic, as well as so unjust, a revenge. Three Egyptian sailors wore, no doubt, keelhauled in an Egyptian vessel almost on the day referred to, and in all probability the Central News' telegram blunderingly substituted Egyptian officers for the sailors in question, There has been no confirmation of the horrible story.