2 SEPTEMBER 1938, Page 36


ZENO [A prize of a Book Token for one guinea wit' de given to the sender ,1 the first correct solution of this week's crossworc puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be receized not later than first post on Tuesday. No envel.„ .s will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the font- appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes co .- taining solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp. otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]


I. ACROSS This Dickens character has a tract rich in metal.

Ix. The mother of Furor in " The Faery Queene." She was seized and bound by Sir Guyon.

i3. The subject of a poem by Coleridge

and the hero of a drama by Byron. ra. The absurd curate in Love's Labour's


16. See 18.

x7. Shakespeare character falsely accused of infidelity to Posthumus. so. He was : " Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong, Was everything by starts, and noth- ing long."

2x. Hero, supposed to have been one Simon Aleyn, of a popular song supposed to have been written by an army officer in the reign of George I.

22. Daughter of -Sir Persaunt in Mallory's History of Prince Arthur.

25. Uncle of the Bennett in Pride and Prejudice.

27. Bob Cratchit's lame child. 29. Justice Shallow's silly cousin, 3o. An " umble " hypocrite. 3x. The name taken by the Corsair of Byron.

34. The often-quoted but imaginary friend of Sarah Garnp.

36. A " gentleman he was, par excellence . . . but harsh, rude, narrow, and merciless." (Charlottb Brenta).

37. The hero of " The Convict's Return " in Pickwick Papers.


I. Character supposed to be Beacons- field's portrait of Lord Lytton.

2. rev. Munch fodder noisily, about 3o down.

3. rev. Chance.

4. rev. Freedom from constraint.

5. My first is unchecked in so, my second in x9.

6. The lady's-maid of Lady Wishfort, who married Mirabell's footman. 7. The mother of the hero in Byron's " Don Juan."

8. The girl that Godfrey Cass marries, and who urges him to claim his child Effie.

9. and the unchecked letter in 14. The father of Euphrasia in Fletcher's Philaster.

So. The eldest of the, three daughters of Sir Robert Laurie.

Is. The second son of Chaucer's Cambuscan.

13. This Smollett character is a mass of sL is. Brother of Elaine, the " Lily Maid of Astolat."

18. rev. and x6. Sixth in order in Milton's hierarchy of hell.

79. The name of the Lady of the Lake in Mallory.

23. rev. 5. 24. Edward Dorrit was known as this. 26. Tennyson's believer in the emanci- pation of women.

28. rev. First name of Halliburton's Yankee pedlar.

30. See 2.

32. See 34 Down.

33. See 35.

34. with 32. Unyielding. 35• rev. rnd 33. Firstnameof Hatteraiek in Guy Mannering.