8111. -P atrick Lort - Phillips in writing of strategic n_.tielear deterrence gives, probably
unintentionally, a dangerously false picture of NATO today. NATO armies are increasingly being armed with tactical nuclear weapons (atomic artillery, atomic 111/Mlars. and so on), which the supreme commanr,
ls deputies, the British defence white papers, de and
allow the German general staff, say will be used gainst a large conventional attack. All available evidence shows that the use of "retical atomic weapons will lead to local spread of ,„,g-lived radioactive isotopes. A tactical nuclear %Ala and probably would, destroy Europe and uritain without the use of 'the bomb.' s Who gives orders to use these (comparatively Zan) atomic weapons, as distinct from 'the bomb,' Xdeterrent? If attacked by overwhelming force, 1.1°11s1Y local commanders will use their most powerful weapons. How do the generals plan to prevent a tactical muclear war leading to the use of H-bombs? Our survival depends on the widest pogkible under- standing of the dangers from all types bf nuclear `aPons. This must lead to an international urge to organisations their use and create non-suicidal world "rganisations to settle international disputes. a, Can a beginning be made by setting up a world organisation of atomic scientists (realising that Russia and America may not come in, certainly at first) with UN control of radioactive raw material?
-Yours faithfully,
The GEOFFREY TAYLOR Old Rectory, Cricket Malherbie. liminster, Somerset