SIR,—I can think of nothing to add to my previous reply to Jon Kimche's plaint about my allegedly improper review of his book. I think I have given the only answer, and if it does not satisfy Mr. Kimche, who has merely repeated his complaint and the accusation of 'mixed-up gibberish'—the term he uses to describe Morris Ernst's account of the FDR and DP story—I do not propose to answer now. because I hope Ernst himself will deal with it. Needless to say, Ernst has provided many more details outside his book; and I hope he will give us these before long. But I cannot resist pointing out just one sample of Mr. Kimche's argumentative technique. Having written off Ernst's book-account with this epithetic phrase, he then promptly selects from that account a sentence he finds useful, and then repeats that the account is 'quite valueless as evidence' I One need say no more.—Yours faithfully.
Ennismore Gardens, SW7