SIR,—Mr. Randolph Vigne, in his letter of August 26, implies that multi-racialisn. as visualised •by the Progressive Party of South Africa would be used as 'a cover for continued domination of white over black,' and assumes it would embrace only the franchise issue.
This is untrue. Were the Progressive Party desirous of continued white domination it would most certainly not have broken away from the apartheid- minded United Party, nor taken the risk of admitting non-European members—a risk which could lead to a working partnership or to complete African domination.
Non-racialism, as 1 understand it, is the merging, of various races into a common identity. This, in South Africa, is neither desirable nor practical, and for these reasons the Liberal Party has never suc- ceeded in attracting a significant proportion of either Europeans or non-Europeans. Multi-racialism, how- ever, envisages equality for all races without each group losing its identity: in this way the rich and devious traditions possessed by the South African peoples will be preserved.--Yours faithfully, ROY THOMAS