2 SEPTEMBER 2000, Page 28

The BBC and Europe

From Mr Robert Coppinger Sir: As a pro-European who reads The Spectator for amusement rather than through any need for reasoned logical argu- ment, I find that P.D. James's views on the BBC and Europe (The problem of pain', 19 August) quite the most bizarre to have featured in your magazine.

She claims to see through the alleged subtle propaganda of the BBC. Propagan- da? The reality is that different BBC jour- nalists have their own unconscious, or even conscious, views on the matter. Peter Jay, in particular, was able to have his own com- plete edition of Panorama entitled 'This Country called Europe', and went on to explain to viewers that the plan for the European Community from the very outset was to create a centralised superstate, the so-called United States of Europe. Hardly the battle-cry of the pro-Europeans.

Robert Coppinger St Neots,
