A selection of recent paperbacks
Fiction: A Good Place to Die by James Buchan, Harvill, £6.99 The Bedroom of the Mister's Wife by Philip Hensher Vintage, £6.99 Vertigo by W. G. Sebald, Harvill, £6.99 Auto da Fe by Elias Canetti, Vintage, £7.99 The Monkey King and Renegade or Halo2 by Timothy Mo, Paddleless, £6.99, £7.99 A Calendar of Love and Other Stories and A Time to Keep and Other Stories by George Mackay Brown, John Murray, £8.99 each Nonfiction: The Pursuit of Paradise by Jane Brown, HarperCollins, £8.99 Rembrandt's Eyes by Simon Schama, Penguin, £18.99 The Journey of Martin Nadaud by Gillian Tindall, Pimlico, £10 The Africa House by Christina Lamb, Penguin, £6.99 No One Left to Lie To by Christopher Hitchens, Verso, £7 Time by Alexander Waugh, Headline, £7.99 A Scandalous History of the Roman Emperors by Anthony Blond, Robinson, £7.99 Shakespeare's Kings by John Julius Norwich, Penguin, £9.99 Diana Mosley by Jan Dailey, Faber, £9.99 Microcosms by Claudio Magris, Harvill, £7.99 In Siberia by Colin Thubron, Penguin, £7.99 Napoleon's Marshals edited by David Chandler, Cassell, £16.99 The Sorcerer's Apprentice by John Richardson, Pimlico, £12.50
Life Along the Silk Road by Susan Whitfield, John Murray, £9.99
Godless in Eden: Essays by Fay Weldon, Flamingo, £7.99 The Dons by Noel Annan, HarperCollins, £7.99 Mao by Philip Short, Hodder, £12.99 The Rules of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command by Andrew Gordon, John Murray, £15.99 The Roots of Romanticism by Isaiah Berlin, Pimlico, £12.50 Secrets of the Flesh: A Life of Colette by Judith Thurman, Bloomsbury, £7.99 Kant and the Platypus by Umberto Eco, Vintage, £8.99 Alma Mahler-Werfel: Diaries 1892-1902 edited by Antony Beaumont, Faber, £14.99 The Temple at Jerusalem by John Michell, Gothic Image Productions, £8.95