CROSSWORD A first prize of £30 and a bottle of
Graham's award-winning, Late- Bottled Vintage Port for the first correct solution opened on 18 September, with two runners-up prizes of £20 (or, for UK solvers, the latest edition of The Chambers Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary'). Entries to: Crossword 1479, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
Radial lights read from edge to centre or vice versa, 20 of each. Each of the ten major segments contains a theme-word clued without definition; seven other theme-words read clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one. A description of the theme is given by the word reading clockwise in the innermost circuit. Three the- matic radials are plurals.
Name Address RADIALS (6)
1 Stop worker being taken in by racket
2 Tug line 3 Catch deer with no end of luck 4 Measure brought about to suppress clubs is somewhat delicate 5 Christian information initially carried by letters in Greek, sent round 6 Egg, put into use, scrambled 7 Palm speaker's extended more than once (hyphened) 8 Earnest city chap 9 Man embracing R&B and rock 10 Obscure warship, antiquated 11 Driver, inexpert, reversed in error 12 City getting one instead of United?
13 Bad treatment has hair losing volume and shape, ultimately (hyphened) 14 Appendages of seeds in brook consumed by fish 15 Some garner olive oil 16 Song associated with Italy 17 Whines, crazy about French article 18 Gentleman lacking fortune provided entertaining gossip 19 Reports? Pieces about sport 20 See energy in movement 21 Probiem over holding party 22 Herbivore, active and tense, restricted by wall 23 Cutting out two articles, Mazdean, i.e. disposed to favour the Persians 24 Middle line in song 25 Frames, while full of rage, start of revolt 26 Doubt petty officer's enthralled by melody 27 Trouble goblin gives handsome youth 28 Father? Greatly admired man, first of all 29 Note, around.plants, small fly 30 Troy is in awful state? That's manifest 31 Rascally, justify having week off 32 Almost crazy, being involved in gamble 33 Man in centres of erudition studied basic dialects 34 Idol is to be smashed 35 Bird shown beside tree in earthenware item 36 Compositions from Dutch giant, unfinished 37 Head of image, half absurd, made of heavy metal 38 Copied works of poetry 39 Get degree, top 40 Care of food