30 APRIL 1831, Page 14

tions, recommendations, warnings, and useful information, all trary to law?

That question w as - who so sneered at us, have this week been crying out," The danger Come what may, the immense sum subscribed by the borough- is great for want of preparation." There has indeed been a sad past and without hope of the future, we are still mindful only of

what is best for the present; and are still confident of success, if

the Reformers will but make up for their past neglect by extraor- worthy of remark.

Lure cries" of `° Help yourself o...

needful at this moment is—PROMPTITUDE. of the rod that is in pickle for them. This is one of the things

It must be confessed that the Boroughmongers have rallied. that many an elector may do promptly, though commencing only The disturbed state, not of London, but of the country, previous to with himself If money is pleni iful in the place for which he has the introduction of the Reform Bill, had frightened them out of a vote, and there appear no chance of the return of a Reformer, their wits ; and they were disposed to yield to what then looked let him help to vitiate the election, by accepting a bribe, and in- like necessity,—and indeed is so still ; but the political calm stantly stating the fact to some well-I:nov:1i and highly respectable produced by the Bill,—and afterwards Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S ill- Reformer of the neighbourhood. Even in point of tactics, the judged talk of alteration in the Bill,--revived their old impudence ; expert Boroughmongery may find themselves outwitted this time. and they are now as bold as ever, and much more profligate. We have sure information, that the story which has gone the The subscription of the great borough-owners is the most bare- round of the papers this week, about pugilists sent to Stamford faced piece of profligacy to be found in the whole history of to fight for the Anti-Reform candidates, is strictly true.* Lord boroughmongerino-'. Why, the money subscribed is rightfully the MELBOURNE is aware of every particular of the abominable pro-

nation's,—at names of the hire.! ruffians, that of the person who wrongfully least, if that still belongs to a man which has been ly taken from him, and if, as is clear, these borough- engaged them — the time, place, and manner of their departure lords would not have had the money to subscribe, unless from London. This certainly is not a new practice ; for it has they had quartered their brothers and sisters and mothers and been commonly resorted to for the last fifty years, and is one of aunts on the public, as well a:, not a few of them, their

the most beautiful features of buroughmongering ; but it will pro- mistresses and illegitimate children. Who forgets the history duce unusual effects this time. The people of England are no of the late Duke of BEAUFORT'S will, which may be seen at longer so corrupt or tame as to be either seduced or beaten into Commons on payment of a shilling, and which Doctors' voting as a lord shall bid. Both bribes and bruisers will burn their charges the estates of the present Duke with annuities to his fingers this time. Already coats and carriao-es of nominees of brothers " until they shall be better provided for by Govern- lords have been torn and broken. Who is to blame ?—the lords, runt" ? The amount of public money received by the SOMER- we say ; for it would be nonsensical to require that men should SETS since the late Duke of BEAUFORT came of age, far exceeds tamely submit to violent attacks on their consciences and persons, the value of the estates which he bequeathed to the present Duke. all for the sake of social order. "Social order!" is one cry of the The late Earl of BEVERLEY, uncle of the present Duke of Boroughmongers ; but in their mouths it means submission to the NORTHUMBERLAND, purchased the borough of Beeralston (being wrongs which they want to inflict on us for ever. Social order, one old tree) for 10,0001.; and an account of the public money re- in its true sense, is dear to us of the middle classes,—so dear, that ceived by the BEVERLEY SMITHSONS—the present Earl and his the love of it is one of our motives for requiring Reform, the only brothers—would show that the old tree has produced at least 50 alternative of revolution ; and it is for the sake of this same social per cent. per annum on what the said tree cost. " The wealthy order that we warn insurrectionary borough-lords of the danger of Conservative party," indeed! No wonder that they are able—no resorting to violence whether upon the consciences or on the bodies wonder that they should be willing—to subscribe for the preserva- of the King's subjects. Let the elections be free ; but wherever tion of Boroughmongery! an election is not free, let the people resist! Still,!the fear of losing those old walls, and old mounds, and old In too many places, however, of England, and nearly all over trees, with which for so many years they have plundered this Scotland, the elections will be a mere mockery of " taking the once patient people, renders them blind to the danger of outraging sense of the people," unless the electors should be persuaded to the nation, now bent on governing and taxing itself. Suppose that vote as trustees for the large masses of people who live round they should succeed in buying a majority of votes for the new Par- about the hustings. We are convinced that, in many cases, such liament—what then? Have they heard of the discussions in Sus- persuasion would be effectual. Mounds, walls, and trees, indeed, sex and Warwickshire as to the legality of associations for the must vote for themselves ; but, wherever there is a small body of non-payment of taxes in money ? Quakers are not supposed to live electors, surrounded by a large body of people to whom the do that which is illegal when they tell the tax-gatherer to seize Reform Bills will give the right of voting, the latter might assemble their goods; and the Quakers are permanently associated for re- and implore the privileged few to vote in favour of the Bills. gulating the conduct of the whole body : so that we do not see There are generous-hearted men, and friends of their country too, how the very comprehensive law of "conspiracy" even could be in English close corporations, and town-councils of Scotland. Let brought to bear upon associations for paying taxes like the Quakers. these be petitioned by their neighbours to vote for popular candi- The agsocialion, without the deed, would be enough ; for who dates ; but what is more pressing, let popular candidates instantly would buy die goods of one person in arrear of taxes, if a thou- start for all such places where there are none yet, including the sand persons'in the same neighbourhood had declared that they Scotch counties, in order that the inhabitants at large may have a would pay taxes only in goods ? and what tax-gatherer would name, or names, to insert in their petitions to the privileged few. We incur the expense of seizing goods without the least prospect of are satisfied that if this were done universally, and without loss of selling them ? But even supposing such associations perfectly time, the Reform Bills would be an icipated in many places, and that legal—on which point we offer no opinion as yet—the small thus the world would be presented with many an act of patriotism amount of direct taxes may appear to render them insignificant. glorious to the performers and our country. Every man who should On this last point we have no doubt. At present, a rotten so vote as trustee for greater numbers of his countrymen, without borough is worth but little in the market ; but the old tree at regard to his own predilections, would deserve a statue of gold, Beeralston mould not fetch one sixpence if twenty housend * A detailed narrative of this atrocious proceeding appears in another column. TOPICS OF THE DAY. of the middle classes had associated to pay taxes like the

Quakers. Many other things would lose all market value, from A PILL FOR THE BOROUGHMONGERS. the Scotch freeholder's parchment right of voting to the very pigs i

tVERY week, from the hour when the Reform Bill was announced, in Smithfield. Newark voters and neat cattle would no more be we have implored our countrymen to make ready for a General driven to market. And yet these would be most loyal associations,

s Election. And we practised what we preached ; for our journal has since they would greatly raise the value of money impressed with been conducted, since the 1st of March, as if the dissolution had the King's head. In a word, association alone would suffice in commonly, though not pub- bearing on the struggle now begun. In pursuing this course of taken place on that day, having been constantly filled with sugges- this case ;—the only question is would such associations be con-

licly, discussed before the introduction of the Reform Bill ; and it preparation for the inevitable battle, we were accused of " forward_ will be tried, if the Association of Boroughmongers should buy a

majority in the new Parliament and turn out the Ministers. ness and dictation." What happens? Those same lazy Reformers mongering lords and baronets will never be paid, as they intend it want of preparation; but the danger is not great. As, doubtful should, by the people. However, the question is yet in abeyance. of victory unless proper means were used, we sought to insure it That the borough lords may never render it a present one, none by timely preparation, so now, when others talk with regret of the can desire more earnestly than ourselves. • The unprecedented effrontery of the borough lords and ex- placemen in the conduct of illegal proceedings, in this election, is

dinary exertion. The interference of Peers at elections, contrary to law, is an and the King will help you, En„- correspondent, who objected to what he called our " prema-

old grievance—one of those which the Bill is to redress ; but hitherto a show of legality, at least, has been observed in the

land expects every man to do his duty," and to our Lists of Na- management of such borough and county elections as were di- tional Trustees, writes to us to beg that we will this week suggest reefed ' by such peers as the Earl of LONSDALE and the Duke of arrangements for defeating the greatest number of Anti-Reform NORTHUMBERLAND. This time the mask is thrown off. Earls,. candidates. We refer him to our nine last numbers. It is now Marquises, and Dukes subscribe, in the face of day, for the pur- too late for " arrangements" involving much inquiry and co-opera- pose of influencing returns to the House of Commons. They tion. The elections are going on ; to deliberate and lay plans, may hope that, though the deed is notorious, it will never be would now be a waste of the most precious time. In the way of legally proved. Here they are mistaken. We have reason to taking counsel, let every Reformer commune only with himself, know that measures have been taken to bring some of the Charles - saying, " What can I, by myself, do to promote the good cause ?" Street fund into the pockets of persons who will give information The question answered, let him rush to do what strikes him as the of the bribery. This device of the Reformers is perfectly justi- best thing to he done at the moment ; and that thing finished, let fled by the occasion ; and we make it public deliberately, believing him begin another instantly. In this way, as most Reformers that the cause will be more served, by thus explaining to every think alike as to what ought to be done, unanimity of opinion and elector, who is offered a bribe, how he may help to vitiate an action will supply the want of previous concert. The one thing election, than it will be injured by warning the noble subscribers

needful at this moment is—PROMPTITUDE. of the rod that is in pickle for them. This is one of the things See how the French are watching us. Their journals are filled with praises of our noble King, and expressions of hope that his subjects will not be found less generous and patriotic. If the British people, say they, deserve their King, the world is free. Ireland wants no incitement from this part of the empire. She is setting a noble example to England and Scotland. We are assured, that of twenty Catholics in Parliament, only one, a Sir THOMAS CONSTABLE, and he not an irish member, voted against Ministers on the Reform Bills. If this be true, one more proof is furnished that injustice and oppression gnierate a love of liberty. NVe observe that the Anti-Reform declarations are signed by a large proportion of " clerks." Is it prudent, to say the least, in the Ministers of the Established Church, thus to identity them- selves with boroughmongery ? We give them notice that they are closely watched. If they are wise they will identify them- selves with the people, by returning Reformers for Cambridge and Oxford. The Boroughmongers are right in saying that on this election depends the existence of many an ancient institution. The only institution that the people wish to destroy is borough- mongering ; and if they win this election, no other will be des- troyed. It is our deliberate opinion, and not ours only, but that of Churchmen whose judgment we greatly respect, that the Clergy are more interested in the passing of the Reform Bills than any other body in the State.