In the Spanish Proceres, the Ministerial address, " in totality,"
has been voted unanimously; arid MENDIZABAL seems to be secure in his Premiership. He, has, however, been in some per- sonal danger, from a duel with ISTURITZ ; each party fired a shut; and then Imam made a sort of apology to the Minister for some bard words in the. Chamber of Procuradores, and MENDIZABAL ales " explained." Prince FREDERIC of Saxe-Coburg arrived in Lisbon on the 8th instant; and his• marriage with the chiset4 Donna MARIA, was ratified on the 9th, amidst much pahlle tepicing. At the very hour of his arrival, the Cortes were °coupled in passing the bill to prevent his holding the otlitie of Commantier-in-Chief. The next day, the regular period for breaking up the session having arrived, the Queen prorogued the Cortes, in an unmeaning speech. On the 14th, the whole of the Ministers resigned; and it was ex- pected that SALDANHA, SILVA CARVALHO, and PALMELLA, Would resume their old employments.