The final examination relative to the late fire in the
Burlington Arcade, took place on Tuesday, at the Alialborough Street Police- The final examination relative to the late fire in the Burlington Arcade, took place on Tuesday, at the Alialborough Street Police-
office. Additional witnesses were examined respecting the value of the property in the house at the time of the fire ; which wits stated' by a broker to be 1,1461. This estimate was made from a description of the articles given by Mr. Absolon since the tire. At the conclusion of the evidence, Mr. Conant, the Magistrate, said he should admit Mr. Absolon to bail, and leave to the Fire-office the option of in- dicting him at the Sessions or not. Mr. Absolon procured the required bail, and was immediately set at liberty.
A Coroner's inquest was held at Hammersmith, on Wednesday, upon the body of Mrs. Lydia Torneir, aged eighty-three, who was killed by taking a dose of oxalic acid, administered by her daughter, in mistake for salts. It appeared that the acid had been proc tired from the shop of Mr. Reboul, a chemist at Hammersmith, by the grand-
nephew of the deceased, who was employed by Mr. Reboul. The acid bad been used for cleaning coral, and was afterwards put in a bas- ket containing salts, by the daughter of the deceased, who thought it was soda. as she had sent for soda, not oxalic acid. There was no label on the packet.
Mr. Rebind said, that he found no entry in his books of any salts having been sold by Jackson, the boy. His duty was to attend alone to the pestle and mortar, and never to sell any medicine ; a young man, witness's assistant, is alone authorized to Fell. Wituess's medicines have invariably a label on therm 'flu: assistant to Mr. Rebuilt said, that he recollected Jackson asking him if soda was not proper to clean coral ; when witness told him that oxalic acid was proper, but arc was net awate lie was going to take any. The Corai.r r, is summing up, rcrotrked, that the melancholy event arose front the caclassnesa of tine boy Jackson, in not stating that tine packet con- tainel bx.dic arid.
Verdict, " That the deceased died from swallowing oxalic acid, administered in mistake fur salts ; and the Jury zeprimanded the boy fox taking the poison without his master's knotvl(dge.'