On the 4th.April, at Duntoeher, N.B., the Wife of the Rev. ANDREW Jotmerons, of -a daughter.
On the 17th, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. W. Goanoe CAMEROW, of a son. On the 20th, at Hope Hall, the Lady of the Rev. C. W. Winenrsue, of a son. On the 22.1, at the Rectory, Stoke Hamond, Bucks, the Lady JULIA BODWENE, of a SOD. On the 22,1, at Victoria Row. Lyndhurst Road, Peckham, Mrs. Hemet HOOPER, of twins. On the 22.1, at WestlIeld, Dundee, Mrs. ADAM SYMON, of a danghter. _0" the 23d. at Durnford Square, Stanehouse, Plymouth, the Lady of Sir Gramm urosuns, Vi,,couot D PIEDALI, Of • daughter. On the 22.1, at Litchi= Rectory, Norfolk, the lion. Mn. Axritro Wonsstotrea, et a son.
On the 24th, at Twickenham. the Wife of the Rev. James Baown.L. of • (heighten. On the 24th, at Littleharle Tower. Northumberland, the Lady of THOMAS ANDER** Esq.. of a daughter. On the 24th, in Brook Street, the Lady of Sir GEORGE Bowan, Bart., et a daughter, On the 26th, at Kirklees Park, Yorkshire. Lady Aemy-moz. of a son and heir. On the 26th, at Chearn, the Wife of the Rev. EDMUND DAWE WICKHAM, of a daughter. On the 26th, at Bromley, in Kent, the Wife of the Rev. E. STEWART, of a daughter.
On the 21st April, at Aberliall Church. Gloucestershire. CHARLES BARTON, Esq., of Wadham College. Oxford. and of the Inner Temple, only surviving son of the late Rev. Charles Barton, D.D., Dean of Booking, to DOROTHEA MARIA. eldest daughter of Major F. Wemyss, of Gloucester. and niece of Maynard Colchester, Esq.. of The Wilderness.
On the 21st, at Lezayre Church. Isle of Man, the Rev. lens W. H. Mom-tame, grandson of the Right Hon. Sir Capel Molyneux, Bart.. of Castledillon. Armagh, to Louisa, youngest daughter of the Hon. Deemster Christian, of Milutown. Isle of Man. On the 26th, at All Souls', Marylebone. the Rev. G. B. NotteLer, secotal son of the late J. 0. Norman. Esq., of Brookside. Sussex, to ANNE ELI:ant-re, second daughter of the late John Manship Ewart, Esq., of Broome. Surrey. and of the Beeches. Sussex. On the 27th, at Trinity Church. Maryleboue, WILLIAM MILER. Esq., H.C.S., mender of the East India ship Oweu Glendower, to MART Cesium:4, daughterbf the late John Williamson Fulton, Esq., of Upper Harley Street.
On the 17th February. at St. Kilt's, the Rev. WILLIAM CHARLES GORE, second SOH of the late Rev. CharlesGore, of Barrow Court, in the county of Somerset. On the 17th April, at Leamington. Colonel Got.n. CAL, late of the Royal Artillery. On the 19th. at Wimborne Minster. Dorset, the Rev. EDWARD Burr. MA., Rector Ot Toiler Porcorum. in that county ; in his 78th year. On the 21st. at Dunn,cher. N.B., JANET, daughter of the Rev:Andrew Johnstone. On the 22d. at his residence in Manchester Square, GEORGE FULLER. Esq.; in his 851.1t year. On the 23d, at White Lodge, Richmond Park, the Viscountess SIDMODTH; in her 60th year.
On the 23.1, Mrs. ANNE ILerrots, of Wallfleld Lodge, Hereford, and of Long Stanton, Cambridgeshire, youngest sister of the last Sir Thomas Hatton, Bart; in her 80th year. Oe the 26th. at Sutton. Sussex, Maar Evarr, With of the Rev. Richard Smith. Rector of that parish; in her 74th year.