WAR-OFFICE, April 26.—Scots Fusilier Guards—Field Marshal his Royal Highness F. A. A. C. E. Duke of Saxe, Prince of Saxe C-burg and Gotha. K.G. G.C.B. K. St. P. from the 11th, Light Drags. to be Col. vice Gen. Earl Ludlow, dec. 11th Regt. of Light Drags.—Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. E. Clifton, K.C.11. from the 17th Light Drugs. to be Col. vice his Royal Highness Prince Albert, appointed to the Scots Fusilier Guards. 17th Light Drags.—Col. his Royal Highness Prince G. W. F. C. of Cambridge, K.G. from the 8th Light Drags. to be Col. vice Sir A. B. Clifton. appointed to the 11th Light Drags. 20th Foot—Lion. Gen. Sir .1. S. Barns. K.C.B. from the Rifle Brigade, tote Col. vice Gen. Sir W. Houston, thee. 40th Foot - Lieut.-Gen. Sit A. Woodford, K.C.B. G.C.M.G. to be Col. vice Lieut. Gen. Sir L.Smith. flee. Rifle Brigade—Lieut.-Gen. Sir D. L. Gilmour, K.C.B. to be Col. Commandant Of Battalion, vice Sir J. S. Barns. appointed to the 20th Foot. WAR OFFICE, April .-34:1 Light Drags.— Cornet E. Roche to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Powys, appointed to the 9th Light Drags.; Cornet G. Cookes to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rose, promoted in the 9th Light Drags. -6th Drags. —Brevet Lieut.. Col. J. Babington, from half-pay 24th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice M•Mation, pointed to the 9th Light Drags.; Lieut. F. Thompson to be Capt. by purchase. vice tiabington, oho retires; Lieut. W. Cathrey. from the 9th Light Drags. to he Lieut. vice Thompson. 9th Light Drags.—Capt. L. R. French, from the 25th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Close, who retires; Copt. D. M. Dawson. from the 5th Foot, to be Capt. Tice Isacke. who exchanges; Lieut. J. R. H. Rose, from the 3d Light Drags. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Reynolds, who retires; Lieut. J. X. Wedderbum, from the 55th Foot. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cathrey, appointed to the 6th Drags.; Ree,t. Sergi.-Major W. Hamilton to be Adjt. with the rank of Cornet, vice Cooke, pro- moted. 11th Light Drags—F. S. Cormnee, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Tyute, promoted. 2d Foot—Lieut. H.W. Stisted to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ralph, who re- tires ; Ensign J. King to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Stisted; R. C. Leeson, Cent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice King. 3cf Foot —Ensign E. N. H. Flood tote Lieut. without purchase, vice Anson, appoiuted to the 9th Light Drags. 5th Foot—Capt. F. J. leucite, from the 9th Light Drags. to be Capt. vice Dawson, who exchanges. 9th Foot—E. Morton, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Raymond, who retires. 12th Foot—To be Copts. without purchase—Capt. T. Moore, from half-pay unattached ; Lieut. J.F. Kempt. To he Capts. by purchase—Lient. J. Boyd, vice Kempt, whose promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled; Lieut. R. J. A. Philipps. vice Stirke, who retires. To be Lieu. without purchase—Ensign J. Marcon, vice Tidy, dec. ; Ensign A. F. Brahma; Ensign W. Longfleld; Ensign W. D. Butcher, vice Kempt. Tobe Lleuta. by purchase—Ensigu J. Holder, vice Marcon, whose promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled ; Ensign Stout. 0. G. Lambert, vice Philippe. To be Ensigns, by purchase—H. Segrave, Gent. vice Holder ; J. W. Espinasse. Gent. vice Lambert. To be Ensigns, without purchase —J. Palmer. Gent.; E. Foster; W. Stewart, Gent. vice Bmham ; D. Beers. Gent. vice Longtield. 17th Foot—Ensign R. S. R. O'Connor to be Lieut. without purchase; W. H. H. Ellisou, Gent, to be Ensign, vice O'Connor ; Lieut. E. Cruker to be Adjt. viee Cooper, promoted. 20th Foot—H. Howard. Gent. to be Assist.-Sung. vice Menzies, appoiuted to the 94th Foot. 72,1 Foot—Ensign J. Maycock to be Lieut. without pur- chase, nice Smith, appointed to the 44th Foot; I. S. B. P. Boileau, Gent. tube Ensign, vice Niayeock. 25th Foot—Capt. L. H. French, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice J. A. Guille, who exchanges; Capt. G. Holt, from the 54th Foot. to be Capt. vice Bristow, who exchanges; Lieut. W. C. E. Napier tu be Capt. by purchase, vice French, appointed to the 9th Light Drags.; Ensign H. E. S. Rudyerd be Lieut. by purchase, vice Napier; C. H. Balguy. Gent. from the Royal Mil. ,Coll. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Iludyerd. 29th Foot—Ensign C. Handheld, from the the 64th Foot. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Leslie. whose promotion hiss been cancelled; Ensign Hotiourable H. M. Monekton to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Edwards. who retires; H. G. Walker. Gentleman, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Monckton. 40th Foot—Ensign F. Huey to be Lient. without purchase, vice Colville, appointed to the 9th Light Drags. 41st Foot —Ensign H. M. Fleming to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Burgh, whoretires; W. Minchin. Gent tube Ensign, by purchase, vie,. Fleming. 46th Foot —Lieut J. Davies to be Capt. without purchase, vice 'F. El Eyncourt, dec.; Ensign C. F. Campbell to be Lieut. vice Davies. 47th Foot—Ensigu S. T. Williams to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Campbell, appointed to the 9th Light Drags. 48th Foot—W. F Wyndowe, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase. vice Minch's], who retires. 50th Foot —Pay-master J. B. Dodd, from the 54th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Bartley. who exchanges. 53.1 toot—Eusig,n A. Stokes, from the With Foot, to be Ensign, ACAS Fellowes, appointed to the 78th Foot. 54th Foot—Capt. S. Brietow, from the 26th Foot, to be Capt. vice Holt, who exchanges; Paymaster G. Bartley, from the 5oth Foot. to be Paymaster. vice Dodd, who exchanges. 60th Foot—Second Lieut. H. F. Kennedy to be First Lieut. without purchase, vice Si, it. Mahon. Bart. dec. 68th Foot—Ensign H. C. Cotton. from the 10th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Beale, promoted in the loth Foot. 78th Foot — Lieut. H. Hamilton to be Copt. by purchase, vice Alston. who retires; Ensign E. Fellowes to be Lieut. by purchase. vice M•Neill. who retires; Ensign 3.5. B. Fox to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Hamilton; G. F. Syden- ham. Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Fellowes; R. S. Mackenzie, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Fox. Elith Foot—Ensign F. W. Chapman, from the 95th Foot. to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Solon, whose promotion has been caucelled; Lieut. L. tit' Alister, from half-pay 48th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hanley, promoted; Ensign William Monck to be Lieutenant by purchase, vice bl'Alister, who retires; Anthony Stokes. Gentleman, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Monck. 86th Foot—En- sign Clement William Stroug, from the 48th Foot. lobe Lieut. without purchase, vice Holmes, whose promotion haus been cancelled. 915t. Foot—Capt. T. A. Girliug, from half-pay 5th Foot. to be Capt. vice Fraser, promoted; Lieut. R. C. Onslow to le Capt. by purchase, vice Girling, who retires; kluste. J. A. Cruiltsbank to be Lieut, by pur- chase. vice Ouslow; H. C. Metcalfe, Gent to be Ensign, by purchese. vice Cruik- shank. 96th Foot—S. Campbell, Gent. to b.. Ensign, by purchase, vice Purities, who retires.
Rifle Brigade —The Hon. P. Barrington to be Second Lieut. by purchase. vice Pol- len, pronuted,
Ceylon Rifle Regt.—Major J. Anderson, to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Mac- Thersou, who retires ; Brevet-Major A. Moutresor to be Major, by purchase. N ice Au- -derson ; Lieut. W. Caldwell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Muntresor; Second Lieut. W. Bageoall to be First Meet by purchase, vice Caldwell; A. Dowse, Gout.* be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Bagenal' Unattached -Brevet-Lieut.-CoL W. M. Mlle, from the jet West India Regt. to be LicutsCol. without purchase.
Brevet Capt. T. A. (iii hug, of the 91st Foot, to be Major in the Army. Garrisons -Mkor Gen. Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B. to be Goveruor of Edinburgh Castle. ice Lieut.-Gen. Lord Greenock.
Memorandum-The Christian names of Cornet Butler, of the 7th Drag. Guards, are Antoine Stout, not Hurt. as previously stated; the Christian names of Ettsign Hickson, of the 534h Fmk. are Theodore Richard ; the names of the gentleman appointed to the 13th Light Drags. on the tad April 1812, are Henry Holdeu. nA Heury Greenwood Holden, as stated.