Tuesday, April 26.
Baylis and Lockwood. Liverpool. manufacturers-Best and Tribe. Uxbridge. dress- makers-Spanton and Watson. Norwich, mail coach proprietors-Cadman and Sons. Sheffield. merchauts-E. and C. E. Pritcheet. Strand. glovers-G. and J. Morrell. Bradford. Yorkshire, pros ision -dealers -Braithwaite and Holland. Macclesfield. sur geons - Pearson and Upton, Gerrard Street, shoe mercers-S. A.. M. A.. and E. C. Partridge, Colchester, schoolmistresses as fir a. regard. M. A. Partridge -Voelcker and Co. Loudon Wall, merchants -Gordian and Maltby. Threadneedle Street, attorities -Broom and Slater. Llanelly. printers -Singleton and Wingfield. Rotherham. brewers -Hutchiuson and Sleigh. Little Alie Street. Whitecliapel. sugar-refiaera-Combe and Co. brewers; as far as regards Delafield Maim -Geard awl Keen. John Street. Penton-
brewers - Daft and Kirk, Nottingham. mercers-W. and H. B. Byles, Bradford. Yorkshire. booksellers-Ashton and Co. Manchester, hat-manufacturers-Woodrow and Gillbanks. Norwich. hosieta -Carter and Lindsell, Raymond Buildings. attornies -Craven and Co. Bradford. Yorkshire. wunded-stuff manufacturers; as far as regards W. Harrop-Leach and Go. Bradford. Yorkshire. stone.masons; as far as regards.!. Brayshaw-Adcock sad Son. Wellinhorough. woollendrapers-Heeles and Bentley. Lad Lane, aecountants-H.,mau and SODS. Rochester, dm art-Lloyd and Grosamith, Banner Square. St. Luke's. French hat'tnanufacturers-Mihls and Co. Deptford, bleachers - Prideauxs awl Co. Bristol. warehousemen; as far as regards '1'. Holmes.
ADAMS. Roseirr, Manchester. butter-merchant, to surrender May 10, June 7; solid tors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; anti Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester.
ALIDII.,11. STEPHEN Jot's. Holloway. chemist. May G. June 7: solicitor. Mr. Richard- son, KInga Arms Yard; official assigses, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. Attest, Jona. Pensauce. baker. May 10. June 7: solicit ,rs. Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street. tfficapside; official assignee, Mr. COODUI, Abchurch Lane. Beasow. BENEAMIN, Weymouth, o ine-merch.,ut. May 2. June 7: solicitors. Messrs. Baxendale and Co. Great W.utchester Street; and Mr.-Phillips. Weymouth. Hamatmen, lama, Cheltsnliam, livery.stable-keeper, May 13. June 7: solicitor. Mr. Shiner, Lincoln's hut Fields.
BRAIN, Witatam. Macbeth Monmouthshire. shopkeeper. May 10, June 7: solicitors Messrs. Blower and Vinurd. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Lemur, aud Messrs. Pd- deaux and Son. Bristol.
'Shown, Materna. arid Baost.ev SAMUEL, Manchester. hat-manufacturers, May 9, June 7: solicitors. Milue and Co. Temple; and Casson and Withiagton. Mituchester. Cerra, JOHN ADAMS, Hertford, brewer. May 6, June?: solicitors. Messrs. Thompson and Co Salters' Hall ; official assignee. Mr. Gibson, Basiugluall Street.
COOP6R, WILLIAM, Lower Shadoehl. brewer, May 6, June 7: solicitors, Messrs. Brown and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee, Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane. Gloves. JOHN, Manchester, warehouseman. May 10. June 7: solicitors. Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mosos. Sale and Worlhington. Manchester. HARE, EDWARD, Corby. Lincolnshire, liquor merchant, May II. June 7; solicitors, Mr. Taylor. John Street, Bedford Row; and Messrs. White and Kewney. Grantham. MACOL Joszeu, and GILL. ELIZ SHEIK. Coventry. Miami manufacturers. May 3, June 7: solicitor, Mr. Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard ; official assignee, Mr. Graham. Basinghall Street. Huge, WILLIAM, aud KINO, Herter, and DAVID, O'd Street Road, coach builders, May 6, June 7; solicitor, Mr. Gray, Fleming Street, Kinsadanl Reed; official asaiguce, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Building Hot.csaoox. CHARLES, MO:WM Staffordshise. plumber. May 6. June 7: soticil,.rs. Clarke and Medcalfe, Lincoln's Inn Fields:and Gilmore and Beale. Birmingham.
Jonesox, WiwAti, Birmingham, ironmonger. April 22, Jose 31; solicitors, Mr. Wilkinson, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Tarleton, Birmingham.
Leas, SAMUEL, Manchester. innkeeper, May 10, June 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedford Row ' • and Mr. Lees. Manchester. LOCKWOOD. JAMES and GEORGE. Wakefield, linentimpers, May 6, June 7: solicitors, Messrs. Adlingtou and Co. Bedford Row; and Taylor and Weatmocelaud. Wakefield. Low, HENRY Mar,00am, and Co. England, merchants, May 9, June 7: solicitors, Oliverson and Co.Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Lopthall Buildings. LOTALL. PETER, Kingston.upon-Hull, miller, May 7, June 7: solicitors. Messrs. Willis and Co. Tokenhouse Yard; Mr. Marlon, Lincoln; and Messrs. Nicholson and Hett. Brigg, Lincolnshire. Mrraress, FREDERICK Joan.. Aldersgate Street, builder, May 6, June 7: solicitors, Richardson and Co. Golden Square; °Meal assignee. Green, Aldermaubury. MOORE, Join/. Wellington, Shropshire. nurseryman. May 10, June 7: solicitors, Mr. Newman, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Garbett, Wellington. RADFORD, JOSEPH, Appleby, Westmoreland, draper. May 13. June 7: solicitors, Messrs. Makinsou and Sanders, Temple; and Mr. Ogden; Manchester. SPEAKMAK, SAMUEL, Preston, shipbuilder, May 19, June 7: solicitors, Messrs. May- hew and Co. Carey Street; and Me-r. Illackhurst and Son, Preston. Warr. JAMES, Liverpool. merchant, May 10. June 7: solicitors. Messrs. Sharpe and Son, Bedford Row; and Messrs. Wagstaff and Co. Warrington.
May 17, Polls, Westhoathley, Sussex, dealer -May 19. Gordon. Grosvenor Row, Pimlico. bookseller-May 19. Newstcarl and Hearten. Regent Street. lacemeu - May 19, Barnfield. Mark Lane, %Me merchant-May 19, Raffia. Lower Thames Street, merchant-May 19, Giles. St. Jollies Lane. wire worker-May 19. Abbott. King's Arms Yard, merchant-May 19. Knowles. Throgmorton Street, silk-broker-May 25. Easley. Manchester, warebousemau -May 19. Meth% Wakefield, dyer-May 20. Hep- worth, Leeds. cloth-manufacturer -May 2, Smith aud Dowling. Gloucester. money scriveners-May 18, (hikes. Sheffield, merchant-May 2, Playne, Gloucester, saddler -May 19, Robinson. Leeds, cluth-merchant -May 14. Webster. Manchester, banker- May 21. Masser. Kensington. near Liverpool. corumon.breser- May 2t, Ridge and Co. Chichester, bankers-May 20. Tovey. Bristol. pawnbroker -June 7, Shatwell. Manchester. COMMittii0D agent-May 24, Pidgeou, Shrewsbury. tobacconist-May 17, Saunders, Cambridge, miller.
To be gmated.waess cause be shown tot& cmetwary. on or before May 17.
Dawson and Vance, Liverpool. merchants-Coles. Bedwelty. Monmouthshire. apo- thecary-Mount, Manchester, hosier- Pt itchard and Croft. Liverpool. ail.merchants- Mott. Loughborough, wine morchaut -Bentley. Manchester. tea-dealer-Wyllie, Cas- tlebar Park, Ealing. merchant -Sleemala Tenby. Pembrokeshire, eine-merchant - Lyster. Manchester, cortoractor.
BLACK, JAMES, ISTPCIlitl. farmer, May 3, June GRIDS, Jon, Edinburgh. harm: hirer. April 30, May 21. Soirrr, Davos, Ormiston Mains, farmer, May 3. 30.
Scam, James, Wings. ie. Stirlingshire. mamma May 4, June I.
Friday, April 29.
Lloyd and Kirk, Sheffield, general imnfounders -Bayley and Morr:sjuninr, Tipton. Staffordshire. maltaters-,Seawin just or and Dresser, York, chemists-Taylor and Hughes. Liverpool, cartantioas-Bartlett and Rolfe junior, York Street, Pentonville, ale-brewers-Watkinson and Co. Huddersfield, thread-manufacturers-E. and J. Jones, Liverpool. builders-Roake and Cowles. Carlisle Street. Soho Square, engravrrs -Bandies junior and Co. Lis erpool timber merchants; as far as regards J. Robinson -S. and F. W. Miles, Reading, sailcloth manufacturers-Parsons aud Mills, Ring. wood. Haingihirc, ale-brewers Tosswill and Myers. Budge Row, engravers-Moore and Adlam. Bristol. carriers -Tuckett and Cu. Poultry. East India agents.
Beinnsrea, Janes. and Simpson. DINAH. Liverpool, shipwrights. ti surrender May 11. June 10: solicitors. Mr. Green. Ease: Street. Strand ; and Mr. Peacock, Liverpool.
Baca. Lancesor. Bristol. broker, May 13, June 10: solicitors. Messrs. Clarke and Metcalf. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Smith, Bristol.
'COMB, EDWARD, High Street St. Giles's, matinee?. May 13, June 10: solicitor, Mr.
Jan 'lee Lane; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghull Street.
Jwir. EDWARD, Leominster, tailor, May 20, June 10: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Southampton Buildings; anti Mr. Hammond, Leominster. lounger/. WILLIAM, Birmingham. ironmonger. May 10, June 7 : solicitors, Mr.Wilkin- son, Lincoln's Ion Fields; and Mr. Tarleton, Birmingham.
JONES, JOHN, Ynisterat, Glamorgriushire. mangler. May IS, June 10: solic1ton1(,- Messrs. Mame and Co. New Inn ; and Mr. Cutlibertvon, Neath. WILLIAM and Mesas, Tattenhill, Staffordshire. millers. May3. Joie 10: solicitors, Messrs. Adlingtou and Co. Bedard Row and Mr. Moss. Derby. OdBALDESTON, FRANCIS Janes, St. Alban's. May 6, June 10: solicitort, Messrs. Weymouth and Green, Cateaton Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard.
PEARCE, JAMES, SS. John Street, Smithfield, leather-seller. May 6. June 10: solici- tors, Messrs. Naylor, Great Newpoit Street; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Baainghall Street.
SMITH. WILLIAM HENRY, Manchester. hop-merchant. May 9, June 10: solicitors, Mr. Bedford, Gray's inn; and Messrs. Bedford- and Pidcock, Worcester. SEATH. Georme, Blackfriars Road. victualler. May 6. June 10: solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Lion Square ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. TURNER. JAMES and THOMAS. Fulstone. Yorkshire, clothiers, May 14, June 10: soli- citors. Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Stevenson and Co. Holmfirth. Wel.r.s. WILLIAM Hertel, Rotherhithe, builder. May 14, June 10: solicitor, Mr. Slee, Parish Street, Southwark; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
May 20, Viret and Kitching. Ludgate Hill, imendrapers -May 20. Bourne. Norwich, woullendraper -May 20. Maidlow. Fetter Lane, builder -May 20, Martin, Shoreditch. grocer-May 9. Lawler and Lock. Wood Street, importers of foreign goods-May 10. A. and J. Phillips, Whitechapel Road. window-glass-cutters-May 25. Donaldson. Pall Mall, watchmaker-May 25, Richardson, Bramley, Surrey, builder-May 24. West, Commercial Road. Lambeth. cowl merchant -May gd, Kenyon. Claughtun. Lancashire, cottou-spinner-May :17. Morgan. Alfunl, Lincolnshire. grocer- June 10. Hairsine. York, line..draper -May 2. Playne, Gloucester. saddler 'May 31, Schofield, Limefield. Lancashire, litiendraper -May 25, Cooper and Co. Wiltshire. clothiers.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. as or before May 20.
Hand, Molleston. Pembrokeshire, cual-merchant-Malam, Spalding. Lincolnshire, gasananufacturer -G. and G. Schonswar, Loudon, merchants- Harding. Faroham, builder-Hayes. Pickett Street, Weigall. Conduit Street. Regent Street, lailor-Teversham. Ikrmondsey Street. cheesemonger-Leech, Chaderhill. Lancashire, cotton.spioner - W.ight, Sheffield. crutch-proprietor - Puulton senior, Leomithaer, builder-Webb, Furebridge. Staffordshire. corn-dealer-Turk, Cheltenham. saddler- Knit,. Gloucester, tailor-Buthe, Sack. ille Stree, tailor-Driukwater. Salford, stool. ten-cord manufactmer-Skinner. Bermonthey, stoue-mcrchant.
scarce •ettoesrearross.
BLACK, DAVID. B.11/61W6/1. grazier, May 3. June 2. DLAPPERTOM. THOMAS, Glasgow, merchant. May 5, 26. Dunta ALEXANDE.R, B.tlgrove. fa mei.. May 3. 26. Ross, Join; and DANIEL, Glasgow, manufacturers, May 4, 25.