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THE Queen and Prince Albert returned to Buckingham Palace on Monday, after their brief visit to Claremont. They rode in an open carriage and four; and two other carriages and four followed with the Royal infants and the suite; a party of Hussars ferming the escort. ..
On the same evening, the Queen.had a large the Palace. . A Court. and Privy Council were held at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday ; attended by prince Albert and the Cabinet Ministers. The Marquis of Londonderry took the oaths on his appointment as
Lord-Lieutenant of the county Of Durham ; and the Duke of. Marl- borough performed the like ceremony. as Lord-Lieutenant of Oxford. The Queen gave audiences to Baron de Cetto, the Bavarian Minister, Mr. Evetett, the United States Minister, theJudge-Advocate-General, the Lord President, Sir Robert Peel, Sir 'James Graham, the Earl of Haddington, the Earl of Aberdeen, Sir Williani Lumley, and the Lord Chamberlain.
On Thursday, the Queen held a Drawing-room at St. James's Palace. Her Majesty and Prince 'Albeit arrived froth Buckingham Palace attended by the suite, and were received by the Lord Chamber-
lain, the Lord Steward, and the Master of the Horse. The Dutchess Of Gloucester, the Dutchess of Cambridge,' Princess Augusta, and
Prince George, were present. The 'attendance was numerous. -
The Queen and Prince Albert went to the Italian Opera on Tuesday. The Dutchess of Bent, who had been On Saturday, was also present on
Tuesday. Yesterday, the Queen and Prince Albert went,. with the suite, in three carriages, to a' private view of the Royal Academy exhi- hition, at the National Gallery: Several of the Ministers and other dis-
tinguished persons were present. The Queen was loudly cheered On the way. In the evening,' the Royal couple visited 'Covent Carden Theatre..
Piinoe Albert has just sent a splendid new carriage, by Lord William
Lennox, to the Princess his sister, as a present on her marriage with the Grand Duke of Baden.
The health of the Queen Dowager is steadily improving, and she now regularly appears at the dinner-circle. On Wednesday, she ven- tured out to Buckingham Palace, to visit the Queen ; and yesterday she visited the Duke of Cambridge. It is said that her Majesty has been ordered to the sea-side by her physicians ; and she will probably pass the slimmer at one of the Devonshire watering-places.
Monday was the birthday of the Dutchess of Gloucester ; when her Royal Highness received the congratulations of many of her illustrious relatives.
Anticipatory descriptions begin to appear of the Queen's masqued ball, to be given on the 12th of May. The Queen and Prince Albert, as Edward and Philippa, will receive the homage of different Courts, headed by the several leaders of fashion, with their followers, in the costume of the epoch it may please them to wear. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge are to appear as Louis the Twelfth and Anne de Bretagne. Their suite will amount to fifty followers, in the costume of the dignitaries of the Court of Charles the Eighth ; and the aid of Mr. Planche has been called in to insure picturesqueness and propriety. It is arranged for each party to rendezvous at some given point, and so to proceed to the masque. After the reception of each court, quadrilles will be made up under their separate leaders, the partners wearing a nniform for the set.