Arrived—At Gravesend, April 25th, Superb. Steward, from Bengal. At Plymouth, 28th, Sarah, Heidrich, from Bombay. Off Falmouth, 23,1, Miumva, Furlong. fr,m Mauritius; 260h. seringapatam. Stephens, from Beng41; 27th, Malabar. Pollock. from Bombay. Off Penzance, 22d, Champion. Spence. from Manilla ; 26th. Childe Harold, Webber, from Bombay ; 27th, Bucephalus, Fulcher, from Bengal. Off Kingsbridge. 26th, George Fyfe, Pike, from Singapore. orr the Lizard. 26th, John Mitchell. Cabe], from Bengal. At Scilly, 26th. Lord Gleuelg. Pullen. from Moulmein. Off Ditto, 26th. Euphrates, Buckham, from Ceylon; and Batavia. Fronk, from Ilatasi,. At Liverpool, 27th, Abeona, Eason, from Bombay ; WM. Union, Gill ; and Ocean Bride. Brompton, from Mauritius ; and John o'Gaunt, Robertson, Irons China. At Cork, 25th, Otters- pool. Little, from Bengal; and Minstrel. Button, from Manilla. At Si. Helena, pre- Timis to March 12th, Geryone. Dunn ; and Reliance. Robert-on, from the Cape ; Adino, Baxter. from Mauritius; Moffatt, Gilbert; Majestic. Coruforth; and Marchion- ess of Douro. Wooduorth, from Bombay; Ellen. None; Cribbeau, Fleming; Thomas Henry. Churelm-ard;-Blorenge, Banks; Liverpool, Healey; Medora, Carter ; Corinna, Wilmot; and Hereford, aiteturn, from Bengal. Roseberry, Young; and Cambyses, Hutchinson, from Singapore; Stork, Scott ; and Ellen, Rodger, from China. Sailed-From Gncresend, April 24th, Boadicea, Stephens. for Bombay; Hindostan. Redman, for Madras; Ricardo, Gale. for Bengal; 27th, Lord Lyndoch. Cawley. for Bombay; and 28th. Marmion, Gearing. for Bengal. From Liverpool, 2341. Ann Lock. erby, Wightman. for Bengal ; Palestine. Smith, for China; 27th, Caudahar, Kerr ; and Anu. Salkeld, f...r Bombay; 28th, Formosa, Laidley, for Bombay ; and W. Ackers. Nicol, for Bengal.
SAyuRDAy MoRnoto. Arrived-Off Torbay, Madagascar. Weller, from Bengal. Off Plymouth, Trusty, Elsdon, from ditto. At Falmouth. Orestes, Cooke. from Mauritius. At Peuzance, Nautilus, Thomas, from ditto. At Liverpool, Bloreuge, Banks, from Bengal.