The hopes which were raised in Dudley on Thursday were
not realized : the men have refused the modified terms offered by the masters ; the Chartists, it is said, helping to keep alive ill-feeling ; and matters remained yesterday in statu quo.
Some paupers at Leicester, who objected to the discipline of the workhouse, created a riot on Monday ; which was checked by the arrival of Dragoons from Loughborough ; but it was Thursday before the town began to resume its usually quiet aspect.
The news of the Blackburn Election Committee's decision gave oc- casion to some disturbances in that town on Thursday ; the supporters of the defeated Liberal candidate being exasperated by the display of a blue handkerchief from a coach-top. The soldiery were summoned ; the Riot Act was read ; and the mob were dispersed, trampling to death one of their own number, who accidentally fell in the flight.