EIRTHS.--A poor woman, wife of John Robinson, a cotton-spinner, about two miles beyond Oldham, has been safely delivered of three line female infants, all of whom are alive, and, with the mother, likely to do well. The first MN born about ten o'clock at night, and the two others within an hour and a half afterwards—On the 23d lest. at Lambridge-house, near Bath, the lady of Capt. J. A. Murray, R.N. of a son—At Stobo Castle, North Britain, the lady of Sir James Montgomery, Bart. M.P. of a son—On Thursday last, at Chatham, Mrs. Tupper, Master of one of the Sheerness vessels, of three girls, who died the nest day-011 the 17th, at Park-street, Bristol, Mrs. T., F. Clarke, of a son.
MAILR/AflES.—On the 26th inst. at St. Helen's, Worcester, by the Rev. Thomas Bedford, George Asser White Welch, Esq. eldest son of John Gregory Welch, Esq. of Ark-house, Gloucestershire, and of North Shoebureehall, Essex, to Anne, Cathe- rine Gardiner, only child of the late Lieut.-Col. Mannooch, of the 118th Reg. and of Frostentien-lodge, Sutfolk—On the 25th, at Abbot's Leigh, by the Rev. E. C. Ogle, John Ogle, Esq. eldest son of the Rev. John Savile Ogle, of Kirkley, Northumber- land, and Prebendary of Durham, to Sara Agatha, eldest daughter of Philip John Miles, Esq. of Leigh-court, Somersetshire—At Trinity Church, by the Rev. Robert Bourne, the Rev. Wm. J. E. Bennett, of Laleham, student of Christ Church, Ox- ford, to Mary, eldest daughter of Sir William Franklin, of Charlotte-street, Portland- place—On the 21st, at Melcombe Regis, by the Rev. Willoughby Brassey, Francis Joyce, Esq. to Mary, youngest daughter ol Rear Admiral Pearce, of Bradninch- house, Devon—On Sunday evening, at Inch Bridge, county Clare, the Widow O'Reilly, just turned on her 94th year, to a hearty, rattling young fellow, named IIPNamara, aged 24! Majority in favour of the lady, 70 !!—At Kingston, the Rev. Robert Grant, B.C.L. Fellow of Winchester College, to Frances Mary, fourth daugh- ter of Sir George Garrett, of Gateumbe-house, Hampsbire—At Southton,Sir Richard Williams, K.C.I3. to Mrs. Bingham—On the 26th, at Brixham, Devon, by the Rev. II. F. Lyte, Edward Dunsterville Puddicombe, Esq. of FurnivaPsann, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Robert Wilson Leslie, Esq. of Stradmore-house, Cardi- ganshire—On the 28th, S. Cartwright, Esq. to 'Mrs. Parr,widow of the late Dr. Parr, M.D. DeArtts.—At Westport, countrof Mayo, the Hon. Denis Browne, brother of the late and uncle to the present Marquis of Sligo—At Mahershelsea, in the parish of Marehwood, Henry Smith, in the 97th year of his age. He was uncle to half the people in the village, and was commonly known in that neighbourhood by the appel- lation of " Uncle Harry"—At Caverstield-house, Bucks, Anne, relict of Joseph Bul- lock, Esq. formerly M.P. for Wendover, in the etuth . year of her ee. One only daughter survives her, who was married many years ago to the Hon. and Rev. Jacob Marsham, D.D. into whose family her wealth descends—At Akeley, Bucks, on Monday last, Mrs. Massey, and on the following day, her husband, Mr. Massey. Their united ages amounted to 185 years, 68 of which they had lived together as man and wife, having been married on the coronation day of George 111.—After a short illness, at les residence in Park-street, Grosvenor-square, Sir James Wynne B. de Bathe, Bart, in his 36th year—At Hinckley, Mrs. Hopwell, wife of Mr. J. Hopwell, and Willow of the late Simon Richards, aged 54. She was one of the favoured pro- geny of nature, and would have made an excellent companion for the celebrated Daniel Lambert, weighing, as she did, some time back, 24 stone ! The width of her coffin across the breast was three feet—On the 21st, in consequence of exceeei .-e grief for the loss of her father, Mary, only child of the late James Swallow Thomson, Esq. of South-place, Kennington-common—On the 20th, at his house in Carson- Street, May-fair, the Hon. H. F. Stanhope, the only brother of the Earl of Harring- ton—On the 21st, at Blackheath, the Hon. and Rev. Augustus George Legge, Chan- cellor of the Diocese of Winchester, eighth son of the late William, Earl of Dart- mouth, and uncle of the present Earl—Drowned lately, in Sweden, whilst out bathing, Count Fredric Wachtmeister, of the Swedish navy. This universally regretted young nobleman was only just returned home, after having served three years as midshipman in the British navy—Last week, aged 73, Mrs. Forrestal, of Poole; she married about 40 years sluice; a few hours after the marriage ceremony was gone through, her husband left the town ; why he went away, or where he went, none of his friends or aequaintance have ever been able to discover, not the least tidings having been heard of him since—On the 24th, at Leamington, Warwickshire, Sir Philip Cateret Silvester, Bart. and C.B. a Post Captain in the Royal Navy—At Boulogre-sur-eler, of }looping cough, the two sons and eldest daughter of Thomas Rose, Esq. of Park-place, St. James's—On the 19th, at the Deanery, Ripon, at the
advanced age of 93, the Very Rev. Robert Parley Waddilove, F.S.A. Dean of Ripon, Archdeacan of the East Riding, and Prebendary of Wistow, in the Cathedral of York.