There has been a good supply of Wheat and Flour since Monday, and the weather containing sit very favourable, our trade in general has been exceeding dull, and lower, for most article:. Old 'eleheat may be quoted full Is. per quarter cheaper, whilst New meets a heavy sale, at a decline of from 2s. to 3e. per quarter. Barley, Beans, and Peas scarcely support Monday's quotation ; and Oats meet a limited sale on rather worse terms than Monday. In other articles no variation worth notice.
Return Price of Grain on board ship, as under :-
5. s. s. h. S. S.
Whent,ESSOCRell,;■0 to 56 Halt, a .... 56 to 63 Ticks, old,. —
Fiume,. ..... .... 65 — tee Fine,. . .. .. .... 64 — 6t1 Oats, Feed, 21 to 23
White, .. fill —5 Pewee Hog, ......:f8 — 40 Fine,.... a a a 23 — 24
Fine, ... 74 —7)1 Maple, .. ..... 42 — 43 Polands, ..... 22 — 24
superfine, ... • . 76 — 78 Peas, White, .... 45 — 48 Fine, ...... .... 25 — 2S
Eee,• • • . ..... .. :111 —34 Boilers, .30 —33 Potato, 27— 29 Barley 10 — 3a Beans, small, .... 42 —45 Fine, ..... ... 2:1 —.30 Fine, .. • 143— a8 Ticks, new, 37-42 GRAIN arrived from UST IS, to AU GusT 23, both inclusive.
Foreign—Beans,. 299 qrs.
Peas, .. 1441 Linseed, .... 13,460 Seeds, .. .
Flour. .......—link. Irish—Wheat, .. 10 qrs. Oats, ........... 9434
Flour, 32e1s.
GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE of BREI NH CORN, For the 'Week ending Ace. 15, 182e, made up from the Returns of the Inspectors in the Maritime Cities and TOWIIS in Engle iil and Wales.
Wheat,.......... 60s. 7d. 1 Oats ogalod. Beans, .... 39s. eel. Barley, ..... ... 31 10 1 ltye, ... ....... .. ;12 10 Peas, .. 39 7 AGGREGATE AVERAGE OK SIM WEEKS.
Wheat, ... 57s.iel. 1 Oats, ..... ..... Beans, . les. Id. Barley,.. ....... 31 1 1 Rye .. ......... :II el Peas, ......... . :39 6 SMITHFIELD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29.
On Monday there was at general decline in every thine but Pork, arising from the sudden warmth of the atmosphere, the large supply, a HI the fiillness of the Dead Market-, with a heavy trade there. The supply of Beef to-day was short ; notwith- standing wi,ich the trade continued very chill, and the trice again deelinedals. 4d. bele; the top figure. Mutton is likewise dull imi demand, and with difficult!, main- teens the terms of Monday; bat Lamb has a free sale at prices quite equal to that day. In Veal and Pork there is but little variation, the quotations for these articles being the same as at last market.
To sink the offal—per stone of S l's.
Beef Is. 6d. to Ome Cu) 4e. 4m1. Veal .. ...3. lid. to 4s. (Iii. to 4s. 10d.
Mutton. 3s. Sd. to 45. Od. to 4e..1(1. 1 Perk ..... 4s. 11th. to 5s. (Id. to Gs. (Id.
Lamb, 4s. 0th. to 4s. 4i to Ss. 0th. Head of Cattle this day. 1 Beasts, 4-13 1 Sheep, 8,900 1 Calves, 341 1 Pigs, 1:10 Head of Cattle on Monday. . 1 Beasts, 26-19 1 Sheep, 26,910 1 Calves, 218 1 Pigs, 150 NEWGATE and LEADENHALL—By the Carcase. Beef, 25. 8d. to 3s. 8th. 1 Veal, .. 3s. 4d. to 4s. 8th. Mutton,— .3s. Od. to -Is. 0th. 1 Pork, ...4s. (Id. to Gs. tel. Lamb, es. Stl. to 5s. (Id.
31. 3s. to 31. 16s. to 41. 10s. per cwt.
..... . 31. Os. to :31. Ss. to 31. 18s. ........ . 31. Os. to 31. 124. to 41. 4s.
31. 12s. to la. 'OB.—Seconds.. ..... 41- 10s. to dl. Os.
..... 21. als. to 31. 5s. to 41. Os. per cwt. ......... 21. 10s. to 31. Os. to 31. 10s. ..... 21. 12s. to 31. Sc. to 31. 16s. Old Duty laid at 111e,0001.
S mt TUFT Et, re—Hay, 90s. Od. to etis.—Inferior and new, G5s. to S5s.—Clover, 105s. Od. —Old 110s.—Inferior and new, 65s. to 100s.—Straw, :36e. Cu, 42e.
WHIT Et:11A E re—Clover, hes. to 115s.—Hay, 70s. to 95s.—Straw, a4e. to 40s. ST. Jen es's.—Superior and prime Upland Meadow Hay, from 90s. to 100s.—In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, 70e. to 80s. ; new hes. to 84e.—Clover, 90s. to 115s.; new, 130s. to 100s.—Wheat Straw, 40s. to 45s.—Oat, 30s. to Xis.— Barley,—s. to —s.—Rye, 70s. to e0s.; per load of 36 trusses.—Moderate supply, and trade drill at the prices quoted.
COAL MARKET, Auansr 27. Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices.
82 Newcastle.... ..... ..42e...... ....... 25s. 3d. to ans. 0th. oisuuderlana j Q44 to 409e Vtig
English—Wheat, 8611 qr. Barley, . ..... 974 el a lt, 2591 Oats,. ........ 6091 Rye 5 Beans, . 907 Pena „ 572 Taree, English—Rape,.. 422 qrs. Brunk,— ...... — Mustard e3
Seeds, 85
Flour, ..... . 11,00 sks. Foreign—Wheat, 3306 qrs.
Barley, — Oats, ....
Kent Pockets . Sussex Pockets Essex Pockets Farnham, line ....... Kent Bags .... Sussex Bags.— Essex Bags