30 AUGUST 1834, Page 10


STOCK E %C11.193/E. Y A va. AR NOON; The Money Market has been very heavy ; the Money price of Consols has been 39 low as 69.0 The settlement of the English Account, which took place on Wednesday, wit% accompanied with an unusual pressure for money ; the continuation, or premium paid by the speculators for carrying over Stock to the October Account, having been in some instanees per cent., which afforded an interest of more than 4 per cent. on the capital employed. This is a larger late than has been obtained for some time. The demand for money has not been confined to the Stock Exchange, but has been general ; and the rate of discount for bills of houses of the first character has been 4,11 per cent. The settlement of the Foreign Account, which occurred to-day, was attended with a cot responding scarcity of money ; and very heavy premiums were paid by the speculators in Spanish and Pottuguese Bonds, to carry over their accounts. These Securities, which have long been the chief objects of specula. tian, have consequently been greatly depressed ; especially the Portuguese Regency Bonds, which have been as low as 79. We understand that the great fall which has taken place in this Stock, has been occasioned ky the necessity of ilroviding a large sum of specie for the financial operations now going on in Portugal. It is stated that bills to a considerable amouut were drawn by the financial agent of Don Pr Imo upon houses of the first mercantile reputation; me! it is understood that, with a view to check the export of bullion, the Bank of England refused to discount these when presented in the usual way last week: hence a necessity dome for a large sale of Portuguese Bonds, by which a fall of more than :3 per cent. has been occasioned. In the early part of the week, several extensive purchases occurred in Spanish Stock; and it was very Con. falently asserted, that sonic favourable modifimtion haul taken place in the terms of the proposed conversion of the Cortea Bonds. Up to this moment, nothing official upon this subject has transpired. The impulse given to the Market was not sustained; for, after being at 45'1, the price was yesterday at 441 ; an improvement has since taken place; and after fluctuating between 44% and 45;', during the whole day, the closing price this afternoon is 45%. The other European Stocks have not fluctuated materially. The markets for all descriptions of Shares are heavy ; the failure of one or two apeculatots having forced some considerable sales. The South American Stocks are depressed; the difficulty of obtaining money, which is felt by all classes of speculators, has affected the non-diridend Stocks in a greater degree than the other descriptions of Security.


Some considerable transactions have occurred in Spanish Stock, at higher quotations than yesterday : the opening price was 43, but a decline to 44:4 almost immediately occurred; since which, an improvement to 4t3A has taken place, and the price is now 451 46. The South American Stocks are very heavy at the quoted prices: a transaction has occurred in Old Columbian Bonds at The 3limiing Shales are also depressed.


The Spanish 3Iarket has continued to improve during the afternoon, and is now 41:1. This impulse is attributable to the receipt of an express from Madrid, wherein it is stated that the general feeling of the Cortes and the Go- vernment is in favour of an unconditional acknowledgment of the whole of the Cot tee delft. A rise of nearly per cent. has consequently taken pl,tce in the Bonds, which have been as high as 47!;„

3 per Cent. Consols fur A emit

Pm iv 31 per cent. Annuities

Rank Stuck helot stock.

Exchequer Bills EelLtian 5 per Cents Brazilian:11ov Cents Danish 3 per Cents 20.4 ;49i 1107. 90 97i j 2•LO 35 37 9.44


751 5

DMA 21 per Cents. French 3 per Cents

Greek, 1831. 5 per Cents

1Mexican 6 per Cents.

POrillglITSC 3 per Cents Do. Regency Scrip, Slier Cent

PrussiamIS lit, 5 per Cent Russian, 15129 5 per Cent .Spauish, 1521,0 per Cent !.(2.1.-51 — 39 40


— 1261
