A second edition of the Times this morning brings important intel- ligence from Madrid. The majority of the Finance Committee of the Cortes have rejected the project of Count Toaesaa ; and determined to recognize the whole of the cortex debt, interest as well as iwineipol. It appears also, that five out of nine, the number of which the Committee consists, are for rejecting the loans made for despotic purposes in France since 1823; but three are for recognizing these loans also. The ninth member of the Committee has kept his opinions to himself. The following extract from the letter of the Times correspondent at Madrid, dated the 2:3d instant, affords some clue to the probable deci- sion of the Cortes on fhis interesting subject.
There is a clear majority (in the Commitee) against the acknowledgment of the Rentes Perpetuelles and the other loans negotiated under the dominion of anti.national and absolute principles. It is now just as certain that in time Chandler itself the majority will vote on this question in the samesense with the majority of the Committee, and if any thing be yielded to the importunii y of the Government, it will not be more Shan the payment of the fifth pail of the interest, in place of the half on the modern or despotic portion of the debt. This, in fact, was the first idea of the Minister of Finance; but such was the influence of M. de Rayneval, the French Ambassador, that in this part of his project lie was constrained to vi hi. Upon the whole, the conclusion I cotne to a., that, by the common consent of the Government, the whole of the Corn- 'Hitter, and iffinost the whole of the Chamber, tile Cortes Bonds, with interest, will he • ersally recognized ; beginning the payment of the dividends in full as 901111 as foods can be provided for the purpose. As to the Rentea Perpetuelles and the other portions of the modern debt, I think that in spite of the present majority against them in the Committee, as well as in the Chamber, I may bid you believe that a certain concession will be made in their favour, ranging from .S.:13 to :in per cent. according to circumstances. The Government is evidently so much the more disposed to throw itself into the hands of the majority, in conscquenee of the well-known anxiety of Toreno to rely for future assistance on the London Money Market, to the exclusion of the Bourse of Paris, where Spain, in former years, has been made to pay. so dearly for the pecuniary means
of carrying on its government.
" The Finance Committee of the Chamber of Proceres have also begun to agitate this important question ; and I have access to know that a resolution to the following effect is to be submitted to the Committee by one of its inembets at its next sitting. ‘• That the Royal loan, negotiated in IASI (meaning that of Guelffirrd 1,, be forthwith annulled ; seeing that the loan hi question was contracted by the Re- gency established in 3 ladrid, anti afterwards at Ceo d'Urgel, without the consent of the Government then established in Cadiz, and that although it '.va.1ilterwaruls ratified by the King, it ought not now to be recoguized, inasmuch as Ferdinand would have ratified any thing,. " Resolved, therefore, that the Committee take none of the Royal loans into conaiderat except such as were negotiated since 18'24.' " It is remarked, that a well-known agent of the house of Agoado has bud,- arrived in Madrid, and, under all the circumstances, it is natural that his move- wends should be closely watched. It begins to he suspeeted that the object of bis mission is to secure by corrupt means a majority of the Chamber of Deputies ; but if this be his object, it may safely be predicted that it will be totally and sig- nally defeated."