30 AUGUST 1834, Page 7


Lord Auckland and Admiral Dundas left the Admiralty on Thurs- day, on a tour of official duty. Mr. Spring Rice officiates for Lord Duncannon during his Lord- ship's absence from the Home Department. Lord Duncannon's visit to Ireland will last upwards of six weeks.

The Earl of Gosford has been appointed Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, which became vacant some time ago by the resignation of the Marquis of Clanricarde.

The Commissioners appointed to administer the Poor-law Act are in daily communication with Mr. Stanley, the Under Secretary of State, at the Home Department.

The Earl of Eldon is prepared to take the field against the partridges on Monday nest.

Lady Btougham is at present sojourning at Brighton. The Chan- cellor, it is said, intends being there the latter end of next month.

The Luureat, Rogers, and Wordsworth, have been on a visit to the Earl of Lonsdale, at Lowther Hall; where many distinguished indi- viduals resident in that neighbourhood were invited to meet them. Rogers, after visiting Southey and Wordsworth at their respective le- sidences, will stay a day or two with his friend the Lord Chancellor, at Brougham hull; from thence he will proceed to Edinburgh, be pre- sent at the meeting of the savants in that city, assist at the dinner to be given to Earl Grey, and thence on a visit to the Dutchess of Bedford, at her cottage in the Highlands.—Morning Chronicle.

The new and increased Commission on the Irish Church has been issued ; it contains the following names—Lord Brougham, V iscount Duncannon, Right Hon. E. J. Littleton, Sergeant D'Oyley, Thomas henry Lister, William Henry Curran, George Barrett Lenuard, Edward Carleton Tuffnell, Daniel Maude, George Como-all Lewis, William Tighe Hamilton, Acheson Lyle, William Newport, Denis George Lubc, John Fox Strangways, Neil O'Donnell Browne, Rowley Lascelles, Thomas P. Luscombe, John Gibson, Anthony NI'Dermott, James Moody, William Gibson Craig, and An- thony Wills, Esqrs. ; Matthew Barrington Secretary.

The subscription for a monument to the late exemplary Bishop Jebb amounts to about ii0/.

It is said that policies of insurance to the amount of 186,000/. were effected on the life of the late Lord Glentworth, eldest son and heir of the Earl of Limerick.

Mr. Mitchell, the correspondent of the Morning Herald, was not re- leased from his prison at Pampeluna when the last account of him was received; bet it seems that Mr. Villiers, as soon as he was informed of his arrest, immediately applied for his liberation. Up to the Dith, no information had reached Madrid of the cause of the arrest of Mr. Mitchell; but an order was sent immediattly for his liberation, miless there existed any urgent reasons for detaining him ; and in the latter case, they were to be forthwith stated to the Government.