The latest date of the news from Coburg is Monday, the 25th; when the Queen and Prince Albert were continuing- the quiet enjoyment of the family visit. This was understood to be the arrangement for the future— "Tonight, the Royal party are expected again to attend the Theatre. A German comedy, by Gutzkow, will be performed, entitled Zopf tend Schttert. It turns upon some of the eccentricities of the Court of Frederick William I., father of Frederick the Great. The Court is to leave here on Wednesday morning. .11, journey of about nine hours will bring them to a seat of the Dukes, between this and Gotha; where they will rest till Thursday morning: they will then go on to Gotha. On their way, on Wednesday, they will lunch at Memingen."
Some time ago, it was announced that Sir Thomas Wilde was to marry Mademoiselle d'Este, the Duke of Sussex's daughter: the report was con- tradicted; but the marriage is now formally announced as having taken place on the 13th instant.