The over-land mail, received this afternoon, brings intelligence from Bombay
to the 19th July. There had been some skirmishing in Scinde.
"It will be remembered," says the Bombay Times, "that a short time since a tract of country on the Western bank of the Indus was taken in exchange by the Governor of Scinde from our ally, Meer All Moorad. This territory, situated about eighty miles above Sukkur, had no sooner come into our possession than it began to occasion trouble; and about the 25th of June information reached Hyderabad that it was being plundered by some of the neighbouring tribes, and awing of the Eighteenth ReQment of Bombay Native Infantry, under Major Corsellis, was at once ordered up in steamers to a place called Kusmore or Kiamore, for the pur- pose of affording protection to our new subjects in that quarter. We have heard nothing as yet as to the result of this expedition: we observe, however, from the Bombay Witness, that it was rumoured reinforcements would be required by Major Corsellis to enable him to accomplish the object for which he set out." "At Shahpore, our farthest advanced close to the Murree and Boogtie lulls, • • • * a baud of Boogftes had made an inroad, and captured some three hundred head of cattle. Captain Tabor, who was in command of the Shahpore post, discovered and gave chase to the Belooches; and, after killing five horses from over-work, during the dour, succeeded in recovering the stolen Pro_Perty." In the Punjanb, whence the accounts come down to the 24th June, an insurrectionary movement by Peshora Singh had been suppressed, chiefly by persuasive means, after he had shown signal prowess, and had repulsed a body of troops sent against him. A design to assassinate Rajah Goolab Singh had been discovered; and the supposed originator of the plot., Rajah Ruheemoolah Khan, after taking poison, endeavoured, almost with his last breath, to fix the guilt of complicity upon Sirdar Juwahir Singh, the Mi- nister, and Rajah Lall Singh, Commander of the Forces. The troops still continued turbulent, and clamorous for increased pay, gratuities, &c.
The cholera had extended its ravages, in a very malignant form, almost throughout the continent of India; being especially severe in the Madras Presidency, at Bombay, among the troops at Ferozepore, at Jellalabad, and at Gliurni.
The latest date from Hong-kong is the 15th May.
" The discussion relative to the opium-trade had been revived, owing to a step taken by 5Ir. DPGregor, the Consul at Canton, who on the 21st April had ordered the parties in charge of the receiving-ships at Whampoa to appear before him, with their registers and other ships-papers; a measure which of course had the effect of driving these vessels from the river."